Department of Horticulture and Ecology

General information
Address: 52/15 Starosvitska St., Myrhorod City, Poltava Region, 37600, Ukraine
Our contacts:
Phone: +38(093) 436 2993 (Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram)
The mission of the Department: to train highly qualified competitive specialists for the industry needs of the region and the country based on the organic unity of high-quality student-centered education, scientific activity, development of creativity and patriotism, who will be able to solve specialized tasks and solve practical problems in the field of horticulture and forestry, ecology, nature management and environmental protection in terms of the concept of sustainable development and for the purpose of further reintegration of temporarily occupied territories.
Educational activities
The Department provides training in the following educational programs:
Bachelor’s degree:
- 101 Ecology;
- 205 Forestry;
- 206 Horticulture.
Master’s degree:
- 101 Ecology;
- 206 Horticulture.
During training in all areas of training and specialties of the department, educational and industrial practices are conducted, during which students consolidate the theoretical knowledge they have received and improve or develop practical skills and abilities that they will need in their future professional activities. The bases for conducting internships are:
- LLC “Scientific and Production Company “Ecopark”, Roshniv village, Ivano-Frankivsk region, Ukraine
- Farm “Yagoda Karpat”, Roshniv village, Ivano-Frankivsk region, Ukraine
- Luhansk Nature Reserve
- Hadyatsky Regional Landscape Park
- Kramatorsk Regional Landscape Park
- Holosiivsky National Nature Park, Kyiv
- Research Station of Medicinal Plants of the Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Management of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Berezotocha village, Poltava region
- Khorol Botanical Garden, Khorol, Poltava region
- SRI “Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Ecological Problems”, Kharkiv
The educational process is provided by the teaching staff of the department:
Scientific research work
Scientific research work at the department is carried out within the framework of the interdepartmental theme “Trends in the development of the bioresource potential of Ukraine within the framework of global ecosystem security”, 0117U005558. The scientists work on the following scientific topics:
- Protection of rare and endangered species of flora of Ukraine, in particular, Luhansk region;
- Identification of new habitats of rare and endangered plants in the territory of Luhansk region;
- Problems of solid household waste disposal;
- Condition and treatment of industrial wastewater;
- Bioecological features of ornamental gardening in the conditions of eastern Ukraine;
- Ecological monitoring and nature protection of eastern Ukraine;
- Ecological aspects of horticulture in eastern Ukraine. The elements of this topic are two registered state programs “Ecological foundations of ornamental gardening and fruit growing in eastern Ukraine” and “Ecological adaptability of a promising raspberry assortment to the conditions of eastern Ukraine”;
- The state of plant population values in different types of ecosystems;
- Formation of the ecological worldview of future teachers;
- Greening of urbanized areas;
- Preservation and restoration of forest areas of the South-East of Ukraine;
- Steppe plants of the Luhansk region.
The teachers of the department take an active part in All-Ukrainian and International conferences, grant projects, professional public associations.
Students scientific research work
The department conducts research work with students in accordance with the work plan of the department. Students participate in University Science Days, student scientific paper competitions, All-Ukrainian professional and subject Olympiads, scientific and practical conferences, seminars.
The department has student scientific circles “Ecological Club”, “Foresters and Gardeners of the Future”, the purpose of which is to identify the most capable and talented students and schoolchildren inclined to scientific research work, deepen research on the issues of the department’s scientific activity with the participation of students and schoolchildren, acquire scientific work skills, and increase schoolchildren’s interest in the areas of activity of the Department of Horticulture and Ecology within the framework of career guidance work.
Anyone who is interested in studying at the National University of Horticulture and Ecology and is interested in nature can become a member of the scientific circles.
The Department of Horticulture and Ecology (Myrhorod) operates a seismic activity observation point, which is connected to the global monitoring network “Raspberry Shake”. All interested parties can monitor seismic activity in Ukraine and other countries online (the Raspberry Shake portable seismograph was obtained in cooperation with the NGO “National Ecological Center of Ukraine” and the German Center for Geosciences).
Qualification works of second-year (master’s level) applicants
International relationship
In order to introduce the latest technologies into the educational process, the department has established educational and scientific relations with universities in other countries:
- Forestry University, Bulgaria.
- Karoly Esterházy University of Applied Sciences, Hungary.
- Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania, Kaunas);
- Shota Rustaveli Batumi State University;
- Karoly Esterházy University of Applied Sciences.