Educational and Research Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology
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General information
- 3 Ivan Bank Street, Poltava
- 2 Viktor Novikov St., Lubny, Poltava Region
- 7 Vokzalna Ploshcha, Lubny, Poltava Region
Tel.: +38 050 748 68 43; +38 050 86 28 825; +38 095 465 92 95
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Center for psychological recovery and adaptation
Educational activity
The Institute provides training in the following directions and specialties:
Bachelor’s degrees
- 012 Preschool education;
- 013 Primary education;
- 013 Primary education (Ukrainian language and literature);
- 016 Special education (Speech therapy);
- 016 Special education (Correctional psychopedagogy);
- 053 Psychology;
- 231 Social work (Social work. Social pedagogy. Practical psychology).
Master’s degree
- 011 Educational, pedagogical sciences (Higher school pedagogy).
- 012 Preschool education;
- 013 Primary education;
- 013 Primary education (Ukrainian language and literature);
- 016 Special education (Speech therapy);
- 016 Special education (Correctional psychopedagogy);
- 053 Psychology;
- 231 Social work (Social work. Social pedagogy. Practical psychology).
Educational and scientific degree of Doctor of Philosophy (postgraduate study)
- 011 Educational, pedagogical sciences
- 015 Professional education (by specialization)
- 231 Social work
Doctor of Science (PhD)
- 011 Educational and pedagogical sciences
- 015 Vocational education (by specialization)
- 13.00.05 Social pedagogy
- 13.00.04 Theory and methodology of vocational education
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Educational materials |
The educational process is provided by:
Department of Early and Preschool Child Development
Department of Primary Education
Department of Special Education
Scientific activity
The scientific activity of teachers and students of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology is carried out within the framework of the following complex themes of the departments: “Theory and practice of professional training of specialists in social pedagogy and social work”, “Theoretical and methodological foundations of organizing social and pedagogical activity with different categories of clients” (Department of Social Pedagogy), “Quality of modern education: theory, monitoring, technology” (Department of Pedagogy), “Formation of the subject of life path in the modern socio-psychological space” (Department of Psychology), “Competency-based approach to the content of professional training of primary school specialists in the conditions of an innovative educational space” (Department of Primary Education), “Professional training of future educators of early and preschool children in the context of the value-semantic paradigm of education”, “Interdisciplinary strategies for researching innovative pedagogical systems in the modern educational space” (Department of Early and Preschool Child Development), “System of Psychological and Pedagogical Support for Professional and Labor Socialization of Persons with Special Educational Needs” (Department of Special Education).
The Educational and Scientific Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology operates doctoral and postgraduate studies; specialized scientific councils for the defense of doctoral and candidate theses in pedagogical specialties; one-time specialized councils for the awarding of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in educational, pedagogical sciences, vocational education, and social work.
The scientific activity of the Department of Social Pedagogy is carried out in three main areas: development of fundamental and applied research on the problems of social pedagogy and social work; scientific and methodological support of social projects; development of scientific and methodological support for the professional training of specialists in specialty 231 “Social Work” (full-time and part-time forms of study), at the educational (educational and scientific) degrees (levels) “bachelor”, “master”, “doctor of philosophy”.
In recent years, the department has been researching 2 complex research topics that have a state registration number: “Theory and practice of professional training of specialists in social pedagogy and social work” (state registration number 0110U000752); “Theoretical and methodological foundations of the organization of socio-pedagogical activities with different categories of clients” (state registration number 0110U000753). It also participates in the implementation of the project from the National Research Foundation of Ukraine “Formation of critical thinking of citizens as a factor of security in conditions of armed violence and information aggression in the East of Ukraine” (2022 – 2025) (registration number №2021.01/0021, head – Kurylo V. S., executors Karaman O. L.).
The department annually presents the results of its scientific activities at the International Exhibition “Modern Educational Institutions” (Kyiv), where during 2016–2023 it won three gold medals in various nominations.
Since February 2005, the Department has been operating the Research Center for Problems of Social Pedagogy and Social Work of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine (Director: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Rector of the University Karaman O. L.). The staff of the Center includes scientists-teachers of the Department of Social Pedagogy of Taras Shevchenko National University of Lviv, including: 4 Doctors of Pedagogical Sciences, 8 Candidates of Pedagogical Sciences, 12 postgraduate students and 2 doctoral students.
In order to effectively conduct research work, the department’s teachers have created experimental research platforms, including: the research laboratory “Creative Pedagogy and Public Relations” (head: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Danylchuk L. O.); the scientific and methodological center “School of Mediation”, within which the “Interpretation Service” operates for students and teachers of the State Educational Service “Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University” (head: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Danylchuk L. O.); research groups “Theory and Practice of Social, Social-Pedagogical and Psychological Work with Vulnerable Population Categories” (head: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department Yurkiv Ya. I.) and “Health Protection of Social Workers” (head: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department Danylchuk L. O.)
The practical results of the implementation of new scientific achievements of the department’s teachers are socio-pedagogical technologies and comprehensive programs that are widely used in the practice of social workers, social educators, social service specialists, departments for family, children and youth affairs, resource centers, as well as in the process of training social sphere specialists.
The Department of Special Education is a regional branch of the Association of Correctional Teachers of Ukraine; it maintains ties with branches of the Ukrainian Association of Correctional Teachers. Through the association, the scientific developments of the department continue to be implemented in the practice of work of special education teachers of Ukraine (joint seminars are held, developments are published in the printed publication of the Association – the journal “Correctional Education”). Scientific research is carried out in accordance with the theme of the department – “System of psychological and pedagogical support for professional and labor socialization of people with special needs”.
The department actively cooperates with experimental sites, on the basis of which scientific research is carried out by the department’s teachers and students. The department’s teachers conduct active scientific work with higher education students in the specialty 016 “Special Education”. Participation in the scientific circle “Promin” gives higher education students the opportunity to participate in the All-Ukrainian (with international participation) Olympiad in Special Education (Kyiv) and the All-Ukrainian Competition of Student Scientific Papers, which is held at the Ivan Ohienko Kamianets-Podilskyi National University. Every year the department holds conferences of the All-Ukrainian level (with international participation) dedicated to topical issues of special pedagogy, correctional psychopedagogy, speech therapy and special psychology, methodological seminars, master classes for practitioners and higher education students. Conference materials are published in collections of abstracts based on conference materials. The department’s teachers constantly participate in other scientific and practical conferences of various levels, conduct scientific, methodological and advisory work in general and special educational institutions.
The Department of Early and Preschool Child Development cooperates with the Institute of Educational Problems of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine. The complex topics of the Department of Early and Preschool Child Development are: “Professional Training of Future Educators of Early and Preschool Children in the Context of the Value-Semantic Paradigm of Education” (head: Prof. Bader S.O.), “Interdisciplinary Strategies for Researching Innovative Pedagogical Systems in the Modern Educational Space” (head: Prof. Dokuchaeva V.V.).
Within the framework of scientific topics, research is carried out on the problems of forming professional competence of future preschool educators; systematic monitoring of the quality of training of future preschool education specialists based on the task-based approach; design of innovative pedagogical systems; preparation of scientific and methodological support for improving the professional training of future preschool educators.
The department’s teachers publish scientific articles in periodicals in Ukraine and abroad, participate in international and all-Ukrainian scientific and scientific-practical conferences, seminars, round tables, etc., and act as scientific supervisors for postgraduate students and applicants involved in student research paper competitions, Olympiads, and student conferences.
Among the research areas of postgraduate and doctoral students of the Department of Early and Preschool Child Development are “Preparation of future specialists in the context of the value-semantic paradigm of education”, “Socialization of early and preschool children”, “Education of preschoolers and younger schoolchildren in the conditions of the modern media space”, “Competitiveness of the future professional teacher”, etc.
Every year at the Science Days of Taras Shevchenko Lviv National University, the Department of Early Childhood and Preschool Development manages the section “Current Problems of Preschool Education”, encouraging university students to engage in scientific work. The department’s staff is preparing for publication a collection of scientific articles on current issues of preschool education, a collection of methodological developments of practicing educators “Methodological Kaleidoscope”.
The Graduate Department actively carries out work on improving the qualifications of teachers through internships, exchange of work experience, organization and holding of scientific and practical conferences, seminars.
Purposeful work is being carried out to improve the quality of the personnel of the Graduate Department.
In order to improve the training of declared specialists, scientific and practical conferences, seminars are held on the basis of the Graduate Department with the participation of leading specialists of Ukraine.
Since 2016, the Department of Pedagogy has begun work on a new comprehensive research topic: “Quality of Higher Education: Theory, Monitoring, Educational Technologies”.
The scientific development of a set of issues related to the content of the concepts of “quality of education”, “quality of the educational process”, “educational technologies”, “learning technologies”, “educational technologies” served as the basis for further improvement of the scientific and methodological support for the organization of work in the disciplines of the department.
The department operates a research center “Education Quality Management” of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, within which theoretical and practical levels are studied theoretical and methodological principles of ensuring the quality of higher education, the use of educational technologies of various levels to ensure the quality of educational and educational work with students in the educational space of a modern university, and the improvement of forms and methods of independent work of students, undergraduates, and postgraduates in classroom and extracurricular work.
The Department of Pedagogy, together with the Department of Social Pedagogy, is the executor of:
- EU Project “Intensification of influence of teachers of Luhansk region on the processes of reconciliation and peace-building” (2019 – 2022) (head V. Kurylo) (
- German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) GmbH Project “Development of service delivery structures and educational potential for psychosocial support in Eastern Ukraine” (2019 – 2023) (head S. Savchenko).
The scientific activity of the Department of Psychology is carried out within the framework of the complex topic “Formation of the Subject of the Life Path in the Modern Social and Psychological Space” and is aimed at solving current problems in various fields of theoretical and applied psychology: research into the features of changes in the consciousness of an individual under the influence of traumatic life events; the phenomenon of “dialogicity” as the basis of professional communication between a psychologist and a client; intrapersonal determinants of the psychological health of an individual at different age stages; PTSD and the features of the impact of military trauma on civilians; providing psychological assistance to different segments of the population affected by the armed conflict in the country; developmental education in a modern school; age-related features of the manifestation of perfectionism as a personal quality of a person; features of the process of personality formation in early adulthood; psychological conditions of social mediation in the conditions of political crisis in the country.
The practical significance of the results of work on the departmental topic lies in the development of a comprehensive program of psychological rehabilitation of different segments of the population of the country affected by the armed conflict; determining the stages and directions of psychological rehabilitation. Elements of the program can be used by practical psychologists, social workers and teachers in the course of psychological work with different categories of the population of Ukraine affected by the conflict.
This product may be of interest to educational institutions, social and rehabilitation centers of the Luhansk region. The author’s programs developed by the department’s teachers can be used as advanced training courses and specialization programs for practical psychologists.
The department’s teachers participate in the work of such international projects as “Strengthening educational capacities of psychosocial support and building the capacity of psychosocial support services in communities in conflict-affected regions of Eastern Ukraine” (2021-2024); “Assistance, recovery, reconstruction for the sake of children and the Ukraine they dream of”, which is implemented by the NGO “Women’s Consortium of Ukraine” in cooperation and with the support of ERIKS Development Partner (Sweden); “Childhood Synergy for Childhood”, which is implemented by the “Women’s Consortium of Ukraine” with the support of BISE (International Catholic Bureau of France), Child Rearing Practices as Predictors of Readiness for Aggression and Prejudice among Adolescents – Cross-national, Comparative Study (2010-2015, M. Grzegorzewska Academy of Special Pedagogy in Warsaw); Intra-familial Relations in Childhood as Predictors of Readiness for Aggression In Young Adults – Cross-national, Comparative Study (2010-2015, M. Grzegorzewska Academy of Special Pedagogy in Warsaw); POWR.02.10.00-00-9003/17: Development and popularization of diagnostic tools supporting psychological and pedagogical assistance – personality area / Development of diagnostic tools supporting psychological and pedagogical assistance in the personality area (2022-20023, UKSW, Ministry of Science of Poland together with the European Union); POWR.02.10.00-00-9004/17: Development and popularization of diagnostic tools supporting psychological and pedagogical assistance – emotional and social area / Development of diagnostic tools supporting psychological and pedagogical assistance in the emotional and social area (2022-20023, UKSW, Ministry of Science of Poland together with the European Union).
The department’s teachers take an active part in solving the urgent problems of the region, in connection with the need to overcome the consequences of the military conflict in the country. During 2015-2021, a series of trainings were held for IDPs and residents of the ATO together with the regional Employment Centers on the topic “Formation of self-help and self-realization skills in conditions of increased social tension.”
A series of trainings for public figures “Formation of Social Mediation Skills” was also held with the support of the coalition of public figures “Ukrainian Peacemaking School” and a psychotherapeutic assistance group for the families of deceased military personnel.
Together with the city authorities of Svatov, a series of integration organizational and business games was held, the purpose of which was to develop conflict resolution skills in public figures and activists in the context of social and political transformations.
The department cooperates with the Institute of Psychology named after G. S. Kostyuk, the Institute of Political and Social Psychology (Kyiv), the National University “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy” and the O. Honchar DNU. The results of cooperation with the mentioned scientific institutions were scientific publications of teachers and the organization of scientific and practical seminars and conferences.
The department regularly holds scientific and practical seminars for psychologists, social workers and doctors of the city of Starobilsk and Luhansk region.
The Department of Primary Education is actively developing a comprehensive scientific topic “Competency-based approach to the content of professional training of primary school specialists in the conditions of an innovative educational space” (head – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Primary Education Mordovtseva N.V.).
Since 2024, the department has initiated the creation of a research group on topical issues of training future primary school teachers under the leadership of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Pochinkova M.M.
Within the framework of complex scientific and research topics, the department is the organizer of the All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conferences based on the Taras Shevchenko National University of Lviv (Lubny, Poltava region) – “Primary School in the New Educational Reality: Traditions and Innovations, Problems and Prospects”, “Language and Literature in the Projection of Various Scientific Paradigms”, “European Integration Priorities of Philology and Linguistics in the Educational System of Ukraine”, and the interregional online seminar “Formation of the Personality of a Junior School Student: Modern Approaches to the Organization of the Educational Process in Primary Schools”.
The Department of Primary Education is a coorganizer of the All-Ukrainian student-teaching scientific and practical online conference with international participation “Modern Trends and Prospects of Language and Literature Education in Ukraine”, which is held on the basis of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology and History of the Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University; the All-Ukrainian student scientific and practical online conference “Current Problems of Modern Philology and Linguistics” on the basis of the Academician Stepan Demyanchuk International University of Economics and Humanities (Rivne).
The department actively cooperates with an international partner (Denmark) on the implementation of educational components (subjects, special courses, modules) on psychosocial support for children and teachers in crisis situations, the implementation of game and activity methods of teaching and development (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 1005 of 10.11.22); participates in the All-Ukrainian socio-cultural project “All of Ukraine Reads to Children”, carries out scientific work in the following areas: communicative competence of primary school teachers; theoretical and practical foundations of the functioning of language units; problems of teaching methods of professional disciplines in higher education institutions; didactic principles of language and literature, mathematics, natural sciences, technology, art, social protection, historical, civic education.
Publishing activities of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology
The institute produces:
- The scientific journal “Bulletin of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Luhansk (Pedagogical Sciences)” is a scientific professional publication of Ukraine (category B, Index Copernicus);
- Scientific and methodological journal “Social Pedagogy: Theory and Practice” (included in the list of scientific professional publications of Ukraine);
- Scientific and methodological almanac “Cultivating the individual”;
- Journal “Education and Pedagogical Sciences” (included in the list of scientific professional publications of Ukraine (pedagogical sciences), included in the list of publications of the abstract database “Ukrainika naukova”, included in the international bibliographic and abstract database Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory (USA);
- Collection of scientific works “Primary school in the new educational reality: traditions and innovations, problems and prospects”;
- Collection of scientific works of students, postgraduates “Scientific search of young researchers”;
- Collection of scientific works of students, postgraduates “Language and literature in the projection of various scientific paradigms”.
- Methodological collections “Methodological piggy bank of a teacher”, “Formation of the personality of a junior schoolchild: modern approaches to the organization of the educational process in the National Primary School”.
Bases and practice opportunities
Preschool education
Types of practice: in preschool educational institutions: in early childhood groups, in preschool groups.
Practice bases: preschool institutions of various forms of ownership, family-type orphanages, children’s homes, child development centers.
Primary education
Types of practice: educational and educational at school, the child’s first days at school, trial lessons in primary grades, industrial practice in primary grades.
Practice bases: secondary general education institutions of various forms of ownership, specialized boarding schools.
Social work (Social work. Social pedagogy. Practical psychology)
Types of practice: introductory and familiarization, social service, social educational, animation, social support, correctional and rehabilitation, preventive and warning, design and management, research and production.
Practice bases: social service centers; specialized social institutions (family-type children’s homes, social hostels, inclusive institutions, shelters, rehabilitation centers, hospices, geriatric boarding houses); socio-psychological services of educational institutions (preschool and general secondary education institutions, boarding schools, children’s homes); territorial social service centers; social protection departments; labor and social policy departments; family and youth affairs departments; children’s services; specialized institutions of the penitentiary system; leisure and cultural animation institutions (teen clubs, clubs by place of residence, clubs by interest, family clubs); internal affairs bodies, volunteer and public organizations, charitable foundations, etc.
Special Education (Correctional Psychopedagogy)
Types of practice: Continuous educational pedagogical practice in educational institutions; Defectological practice; Pedagogical practice in educational institutions.
Bases of practice: preschool and general education institutions (groups and classes with inclusive or integrated learning models), specialized general education institutions, special schools; social rehabilitation centers, counseling centers for children with developmental disabilities, special boarding schools, public organizations of social assistance to the disabled, etc.
Special Education (Speech Therapy)
Types of practice: Continuous educational pedagogical practice in educational institutions; Defectological practice; Speech therapy practice in educational institutions.
Bases of practice: preschool and general education institutions (groups and classes with inclusive or integrated learning models); preschool, general education and vocational educational institutions of various types and forms of ownership, combined preschool institutions for children with speech disabilities, speech therapy, methodical and educational-methodical offices.
Types of practice: psychodiagnostic, correctional and consultative.
Bases of practice: preschool and general education schools of various types and forms of ownership, vocational and technical and higher educational institutions, social and psychological centers, centers of social services for families, children and youth, bodies and institutions belonging to the sphere of management of the Criminal Enforcement Service of Ukraine, units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, consulting centers, centers for providing emergency psychological assistance, rehabilitation centers, etc.
Educational, pedagogical sciences (Higher school pedagogy)
Types of practice: research practice (teaching), research and pedagogical practice (production).
Practice bases: higher education institutions of various levels of accreditation and forms of ownership, scientific and pedagogical institutions, institutions of advanced training and postgraduate education.
Student employment opportunities
Preschool education. Specialist in preschool institutions of various forms of ownership, family-type orphanages, family forms of upbringing.
Primary education. Teacher of primary grades (Ukrainian language and literature) in secondary general education institutions of various forms of ownership, boarding schools, educator in the primary level of state and private educational institutions.
Social work (Social work. Social pedagogy. Practical psychology). Social worker, social manager, civil servant, specialist of administrative bodies, bodies and institutions of social protection of the population, territorial centers of social service (provision of social services), institutions of social service for the elderly and persons with disabilities, charitable funds and public organizations, organizer of volunteer activities, specialist in social planning, inspector of social protection of the population, specialist in social support, specialist in crisis intervention, trainer in the development of social skills, specialist in the field of street social work, employee of the probation service, specialist in the development center, HR specialist, specialist in working with youth, outreach worker, consultant of psychological-medical-pedagogical consultation, consultant of the hotline on crisis issues, organizer of animation activities, specialist in the protection of children’s rights, specialist in the development of training programs, expert in providing consultations to local self-government bodies, member of a mobile team for providing socio-psychological assistance, specialist in crisis center, professional social worker, specialist in supporting war veterans and demobilized persons, etc.
Social educator of social and pedagogical services, educational institutions (preschool, after-school, general education, boarding schools, orphanages); social services, administrative bodies, social service centers, inspectorates and services for children; public organizations and charitable foundations; children’s and youth associations; institutions of the penitentiary system, the Security Service of Ukraine, the Ministry of Internal Affairs; private psychological and pedagogical practice.
Psychologist of the education system, various social services, the Armed Forces, the Security Service of Ukraine, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the State Police of Ukraine, etc.
Special education (Correctional psychopedagogy). Educator of children with special educational needs; teacher-defectologist of children with mental disorders in special, educational and rehabilitation institutions and institutions with inclusive, integrated learning models; and inclusive institutions, NRC (educational and rehabilitation institutions); special psychologist; specialist of the inclusive resource center; assistant teacher of institutions with inclusive, integrated learning models.
Special education (Speech therapy). Speech therapist teacher in educational institutions, speech therapist in medical institutions, teacher in special preschool institutions for children with speech disorders or in separate speech therapy groups in mass preschool institutions, speech therapist consultant and special psychologist consultant in inclusive resource centers.
Psychology. Psychologist, psychologist in educational institutions; Psychologist at the enterprise; Psychologist in state authorities and management bodies; Psychologist-consultant; Junior researcher (psychology), Researcher-consultant (psychology); Consultant of the central psychological-medical-pedagogical consultation; Specialist in labor recruitment; HR organizer; Specialist in conflict resolution (construction of the sphere); Specialist in resolving collective labor disputes (conflicts); Psychologist of the education system, social services, youth assistance services, expert, social manager in state administration bodies (including the Armed Forces, SBU, National Police, political parties) and local self-government.
Educational, pedagogical sciences (Higher school pedagogy). Institutions and establishments subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine: higher educational institutions of various levels of accreditation and forms of ownership, scientific and pedagogical institutions, institutions of advanced training and postgraduate education in the field of education.
Positions: assistant; teacher of a higher educational institution; methodologist of correspondence schools and departments; teacher of a vocational education institution, head of a laboratory, methodologist, junior researcher.
Participation in the implementation of international projects
For the past 5 years, the department has been actively providing scientific and methodological support for international social projects: Program for the Reintegration of Children from Residential Institutions into the Family (2012–2020, Austria); Project “Together. Social Services for Families in the Community” (2019, USA, Germany); Project “Social Infrastructure for Internally Displaced Families” (July 2019 – October 2020), implemented by the UN Children’s Fund UNICEF Ukraine and the NGO “SOS Children’s Town” as part of the Consortium of Partner Organizations with financial support from the German Government and the German Development Bank (KfW) Embassy of Germany in Kyiv / Deutsche Botschaft Kiew; Project “Strengthening the Potential of Families in Difficult Life Circumstances, Who Have IDP Status and Are at Risk of Losing Parental Care for a Child” (2019 – 2020, Austria, USA); Project “Intensification of the influence of teachers of the Luhansk region on the processes of reconciliation and peacemaking” (2019–2022 grant from the European Union); Project “Governance Reform in Eastern Ukraine” (German Society for International Cooperation GIZ) (2019-2022); Project “Building Service Delivery Structures and Educational Capacity for Psychosocial Support in Eastern Ukraine” (2019-2023, cooperation with Germany for the development of GIZ Ukraine); Project “Strengthening Communities to Meet the Needs of Vulnerable Children and Their Families Affected by the Military Conflict in the Luhansk Oblast (ORDLO)” (2020, Austria, USA); Project “Strengthening Displaced Ukrainian Universities for Sustainable Development” (Fulbright Program in Ukraine) (2020-2021); The project “Preparing for the Transformation of a Children’s Institution in Severodonetsk and Responding to the Challenges of Child Protection COVID-19” (October 2020 – June 2021) was implemented by UNICEF Ukraine; The project “Internal Displacement in Ukraine: Developing Durable Solutions” (Council of Europe) (2020–2022); The project “Integrated Social Services and Response to COVID19 in Eastern Ukraine” (July 2021 – November 2021) was implemented by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF); The project “Development of Systems for the Prevention and Response to Violence in Educational Institutions and Increasing Adolescent Resilience” with the support of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), NGO “La Strada-Ukraine”, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (2022 – 2023); The project “Prevention of Gender-Based Violence, Human Trafficking and Violations of the Rights of the Child” with the support of the donor organization “Bread for the World”, NGO “La Strada-Ukraine” (2023-2025); “Project “Minimal integrated package of social services for families with children” (UNICEF and UCRN, EU countries, until 2026); project “Minimum Package of Integrated Social Services for Families with Children” (German Development Bank KFW and UNICEF, 2023-2025), project “On the Road to Recovery” (MBO “CF “SOS Children’s Villages” funded by Swedish lottery, 2024-2027), cooperation with the Committee of Pedagogical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland, cooperation agreement dated September 28, 2023).
The Department of Special Education, in order to introduce the latest technologies into the educational process, has established educational, creative and scientific ties with various educational institutions, organizations and scientific institutions in Ukraine and abroad. The Department cooperates with: the Institute of Special Pedagogy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv); the Faculty of Special and Inclusive Education of the Mykhailo Dragomanov Ukrainian State University (Kyiv); in 2023, a memorandum of cooperation was signed with the International School of Esch and Differdange (Luxembourg), which specifies the areas and content of ensuring the quality of training of specialists in the educational sphere in accordance with European standards.
The teachers of the Department of Psychology participate in the work of such international projects as:
- “Strengthening educational capacities of psychosocial support and building the capacity of psychosocial support services in communities in conflict-affected regions of Eastern Ukraine” (2021-2024);
- “Assistance, recovery, reconstruction for the sake of children and the Ukraine they dream of”, which is implemented by the NGO “Women’s Consortium of Ukraine” in cooperation and with the support of ERIKS Development Partner (Sweden);
- “Childhood Synergy for Childhood”, which is implemented by the “Women’s Consortium of Ukraine” with the support of BISE (International Catholic Bureau of France),
- Child Rearing Practices as Predictors of Readiness for Aggression and Prejudice among Adolescents – Cross-national, Comparative Study (2010-2015, M. Grzegorzewska Academy of Special Pedagogy in Warsaw);
- Intra-familial Relations in Childhood as Predictors of Readiness for Aggression In Young Adults – Cross-national, Comparative Study (2010-2015, M. Grzegorzewska Academy of Special Education in Warsaw);
- Development and popularization of diagnostic tools supporting psychological and pedagogical assistance – personality area / Development of diagnostic tools supporting psychological and pedagogical assistance in the personal sphere (2022-20023, UKSW, Ministry of Science of Poland jointly with the European Union); POWR.02.10.00-00-9004/17:
- Development and popularization of diagnostic tools supporting psychological and pedagogical assistance – emotional and social area / Development of diagnostic tools supporting psychological and pedagogical assistance in the emotional and social sphere (2022-20023, UKSW, Ministry of Science of Poland jointly with the European Union).
Curriculum content
Department of Primary Education. In the specialties “Primary Education”, “Primary Education. Ukrainian Language and Literature: Pedagogy: Integrated Course, Didactics of Primary Education, Anatomy and Physiology of Primary School Children, Modern Ukrainian Language with Practicum, Children’s Literature with Fundamentals of Literary Education, Methodology of Teaching the Language and Literature Educational Branch, Fundamentals of Natural Science with the Methodology of Teaching the Integrated Course “I Explore the World” (methodology of the Natural Science Educational Branch), Methodology of Teaching a Foreign Language in Primary Grades, Methodology of Teaching the Social, Health-Saving and Physical Education Educational Branch, Methodology of Teaching the Art Educational Branch, Methodology of Teaching the Technological Educational Branch, Methodology of Teaching the Civic and Historical Educational Branch, Methodology of Teaching the Informatics Educational Branch with the Fundamentals of Media Literacy, Fundamentals of the Theoretical Course of Mathematics with the Methodology of Teaching the Mathematical Educational Branch, Psycholinguistics, Fundamentals of Language Communication, Literary and Regional Studies, History of Ukrainian Literature.
Department of Early and Preschool Child Development. Preschool pedagogy: integrated course, theory and methodology of physical education of preschool children with the basics of valeology, psychology, theory and methodology of artistic and aesthetic development of preschool children, basics of natural science with the methodology of introducing children to the natural environment, theory and methodology of mathematical education and economic education, speech development of preschoolers, literature for preschool children, preschool linguistic didactics.
Department of Social Pedagogy. History of social work/social pedagogy, pedagogy, social pedagogy, technologies of social and pedagogical activity, theory and history of social education, social and pedagogical diagnostics, theory and practice of social work, technologies of social work, foundations of social and pedagogical research, general and age psychology, psychological protection of the individual, foundations of psychological counseling, social and pedagogical work in the field of leisure, social psychology, ethics and psychology of family life or psychological and pedagogical principles of interpersonal communication, penitentiary pedagogy or social and pedagogical work with various groups of clients, psychodiagnostics or psychology of child-parent relationships, social and pedagogical work with juvenile convicts or social and pedagogical work with people with disabilities, social and pedagogical work with people with addictive behavior or social and pedagogical work with the elderly, socio-pedagogical work with refugees and displaced persons or socio-pedagogical work with military personnel, communication training or personal growth training, socio-pedagogical prevention of offenses or prevention of professional burnout, psychology of deviant personality or psychology of aggression.
Department of Special Education. Special pedagogy, fundamentals of special psychology, clinic of intellectual disabilities, correctional psychopedagogy, psychological and pedagogical support of children with various psychophysical disorders in conditions of inclusive education, special psychodiagnostics, special psychocorrection, pathopsychology and psychopathology, special methodology for the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers, special methodology for the development of speech in preschoolers, special methodology for teaching artistic activity in preschoolers, methodology for corrective physical education of preschoolers, special methodology for familiarization with the environment, special methodology for the development of social and everyday orientation in preschoolers, methodology for working with children with severe disorders of psychophysical development, correctional psychopedagogy with teaching methods in a special school, speech therapy, speech didactics, methodology for the work of a speech therapist, neurological foundations of speech therapy, logorhythmics, methodology for selecting children for speech therapy institutions, methodology for working with children with severe speech disorders, methods of teaching children with speech disorders in preschool settings, modern technologies of speech therapy work, speech therapy in the age aspect.
Department of Psychology. General psychology, age and pedagogical psychology, social psychology, legal psychology, engineering psychology, history of psychology, clinical psychology, experimental psychology and psychodiagnostics, basics of psychological counseling and psychotherapy, personality psychology, psycholinguistics, psychology of deviant behavior, family psychology or psychology of creative giftedness, active methods of socio-psychological training or psychology of personal and professional self-development of a person, special practice in specialization or psychotherapeutic methods in counseling, psychology of emotions, basics of psychological correction, theory and methodology of organizing scientific research, modern theories and technologies of working with people or modern theories and methods of working with the family, psychology of sexuality, psychology of child-parent relationships, time management, cyberpsychology, psychology of stress, psychological diagnostics and counseling of developmental problems of children and adolescents, psychology of resilience, psychosomatics, gender psychology, psychology mental health.
Department of Pedagogy. General pedagogy, history of pedagogy, foundations of pedagogical skills, propaedeutics and information technologies, methods of educational work, higher education pedagogy, didactic foundations of vocational education, MPN: didactic design, modern teaching technologies, trend spotting and professional future of a specialist, special course on psychological and pedagogical disciplines; MPN: foundations of teaching technology, communicative processes in pedagogical activity, current issues of pedagogy, theory and practice of the educational process in higher education, modeling of specialist activity, methodology and methods of scientific and pedagogical research, modern educational systems, latest technologies for organizing the educational process in higher education, pedagogical management in the activities of a university teacher, pedagogical skills of a higher education teacher, information and pedagogical heuristics, technologies for working with the source base of pedagogical research.