Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Department of Rehabilitation and Medical Diagnostics


General Information

Address: 37500, Poltava Region, Lubny City, Viktor Novikov Street, 2

Email: epicuri@i.ua

Social Media Groups:

Phone: +380 66-319-68-20; +38 050-180-27-23

The Department of Rehabilitation and Medical Diagnostics was founded in 1977 as the Department of Civil Defense (Order of the Ministry of Education of the Ukrainian SSR No. 120 from July 8, 1977). The first head of the department was associate professor O.A. Ruzhenko, Candidate of Medical Sciences. From 1977 to 1993, the department was named the Department of Civil Defense and Medical Training; from 1993 to 1997, it was the Department of Valeology and Children’s Health Protection. In 1997, the department became part of the reorganized Department of Human and Animal Anatomy, Physiology, and Valeology, which was divided into two separate departments in 1999: the Department of Human and Animal Anatomy and Physiology and the Department of Physical Rehabilitation. In 2022, following the transfer of specialty 224 “Medical Diagnostic and Treatment Technologies” to the Institute of Physical Education and Sports, the department was renamed to the Department of Physical Therapy, Ergotherapy and Medical Diagnostics. Since 2023, it has been named the Department of Rehabilitation and Medical Diagnostics. Today, the department focuses on training highly qualified and competitive specialists in healthcare.

Educational Activities

The Department of Rehabilitation and Medical Diagnostics is a graduating department for full-time students of the educational programs“Physical Therapy” (specialty 227 (17) “Therapy and Rehabilitation” (227.01 Physical Therapy)) at the first (bachelor’s) and second (master’s) levels of higher education and “Medical Diagnostic and Treatment Technologies” (specialty 224 (16) “Medical Diagnostic and Treatment Technologies”) at the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education.

Physical Therapy is a medical field focused on diagnosing and treating functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system using specialized physiotherapeutic procedures which aims affects functional capabilities along with mental functions. The main goal of physical therapy is to preserve and to recover optimal functions of musculoskeletal system and to maintain a good physical condition.

Laboratory Diagnostics is a medical specialty involving a range of investigations using hematological, clinical, parasitological, biochemical, immunological, serological, molecular biological, bacteriological, genetic, cytological, toxicological, virological, and other methods, which aid in diagnosing diseases, determining severity, stage, prognosis, and monitoring treatment outcomes.

To ensure high-quality education, the department collaborates with leading instructors from other departments (Human and Animal Anatomy and Physiology; Chemistry, Geography, and Earth Sciences; Theory and Methods of Physical Education; Olympic and Professional Sports; Sports Disciplines, etc.) and highly qualified practitioners. Practical training is enhanced through partnerships with healthcare institutions, rehabilitation centers, fitness facilities, specialized laboratories, boarding schools for persons with disabilities, educational institutions, and modern fitness centers.

Internship Bases:

Public utility “Lubny Intensive Care Hospital”, Lubny City Center for Comprehensive Rehabilitation of Children with Disabilities, Public utility”Lubny Regional Veterans Hospital of the Poltava Regional Council”, CNE of Luhansk Regional Council “Starobilsk Regional Physiotherapy Hospital”, CNE “Kreminna Multidisciplinary Hospital of Kreminna District Council”, CNE “Bilokurakyne Multidisciplinary Hospital”, CNE “Troitske Territorial Medical Association”, Public utility”Luhansk Regional Center for Social Rehabilitation of Children with Disabilities ‘Revival'”, Public utility”Kreminna District Center for Comprehensive Rehabilitation of Children and Persons with Disabilities ‘Dobro'”, Public utility”Center for Comprehensive Rehabilitation of Children with Disabilities” of Rubizhne City Council, Ukrainian State Medical and Social Center for War Veterans (Tsybli), Public utility”Luhansk Regional Children and Youth Sports School for Children with Disabilities,” and others.

List of Main Academic Disciplines Taught at the Department

227 (17) Therapy and Rehabilitation:

  • Introduction to Rehabilitation (Specialty Basics)
  • Therapeutic Exercises
  • Fundamentals of Cardiology and Pulmonology (by Professional Orientation)
  • Physical Therapy in Cardiology and Pulmonology
  • Traumatology and Orthopedics (by Professional Orientation)
  • Physical Therapy for Musculoskeletal Disorders
  • Neurology and Neurosurgery (by Professional Orientation)
  • Physical Therapy for Nervous System Dysfunctions
  • Physical Therapy in Pediatrics and Geriatrics
  • Modern Standards of Physical Therapy
  • Massage Techniques with Basics of Manual Therapy
  • Rehabilitation Technical Means
  • Professional Ethics and Deontology with Basics of Medical Law
  • Pre-Medical Care
  • Basics of Sociocultural and Psychological Rehabilitation
  • Management, Marketing, and Administration in Physical Therapy
  • Family and Reproductive Health
  • Rational Nutrition with Diet Therapy Basics
  • Sports Medicine, etc.

224 Medical Diagnostic and Treatment Technologies:

  • Medical Ethics, Deontology, and Basics of Medical Legislation
  • Occupational Safety and Health in the Field, Life Safety. Laboratory Techniques
  • Bioorganic and Biological Chemistry
  • Pharmacology Basics with Medical Prescription
  • Pathomorphology, Pathophysiology
  • Surgery with Patient Care and Manipulative Techniques
  • Patient Care and Manipulative Techniques (Practice)
  • Microbiology, Virology, Immunology with Microbiological, Virological, and Immunological Diagnostics
  • Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics
  • Pediatrics with Research Result Evaluation
  • Laboratory Service with Analytical Method Evaluation
  • Clinical Biochemistry
  • Laboratory Practice
  • Basics of Military Medical Training with Emergency Medicine
  • Oncology Research Result Evaluation
  • Hygiene with Hygienic Expertise
  • Infectious Diseases and Parasitic Invasions with Research Result Evaluation
  • Research Result Evaluation in Therapeutic Clinics (Dermatovenerology, Neurology, Endocrinology)
  • Pre-Diploma Laboratory Practice, etc.

Educational Programs:

“Physical Therapy” (Bachelor’s Level)

“Medical Diagnostic and Treatment Technologies” (Bachelor’s Level)

“Physical Therapy” (Master’s Level)

Department Staff

Full-time Instructors:

  • Olena Ivanivna Huzhva – Acting Head of the Department of Rehabilitation and Medical Diagnostics, Candidate of Biological Sciences;
  • Alina Volodymyrivna Radchenko – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor;
  • Tetiana Serhiivna Berezuieva – Assistant.

Part-time Instructors:

  • Valentyna Petrivna Liashenko – Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor;
  • Oleh Oleksandrovych Vinohradov – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor;
  • Iryna Hennadiivna Ohanesian – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor;
  • Olena Dmytrivna Boiarchuk – Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor;
  • Oleksii Eduardovych Hranovskyi – Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor;
  • Kateryna Anatoliivna Bubnova – Assistant.

Research Activities

The department conducts research under the state-registered topic “Assessment of Rehabilitation Service Needs for the Population of Luhansk Region” (State Registration No. 0118U000837).

The department actively organizes and participates in annual national and international conferences, such as:

  • “Current Issues in Biology and Medicine”
  • “Science. Health. Rehabilitation”
  • “Modern Problems of Physical Education and Sports: Youth Perspective”
  • “Modern Trends and Prospects in Physical Culture Development for Students in a Tiered Education System”
  • “Olympic Sports, Physical Culture, and National Health in Modern Conditions.”
    These events involve leading experts from Ukraine, Poland, Moldova, Belarus, and other countries.

The department provides scientific, methodological, and practical support in health culture formation for youth, health-saving technologies, rehabilitation services for diverse populations, and implementation of the International Classification of Functioning (ICF) in Ukraine.
To promote student research, the department organizes a scientific club, annual presentations of achievements, student Olympiads, and conferences. Students regularly win prizes in national competitions, such as the All-Ukrainian Student Research Competition in Specialty 227 “Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy” (2019, 2020).

Social and Humanitarian Work

The department’s social and humanitarian activities align with the institute’s and department’s plans. The strategic goal is to foster well-rounded, competitive professionals who are physically healthy, culturally aware, patriotic, and socially active. Key priorities include:

  • Promoting patriotism and respect for Ukrainian cultural and historical values;
  • Providing social and psychological support for student adaptation to remote learning;
  • Informational and explanatory work;
  • Pedagogical support for academic activities.


© Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University, 2007-2025