Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка


An online competition dedicated to the 104th anniversary of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University “My talent to you, my native university!” is launched.

Competition nominations:

Vocal genre
Choreographic genre: folk choreography, modern, ballroom, sports
Theatrical genre: artistic reading, small theatrical forms, circus art
Instrumental performance
Original song, music
Original prose and poetry works
Fine arts: painting, graphics, sculpture
Photography, photo collage, presentation
Media arts: computer art (cyber art, media art, animation, video installations), videos (music video, social advertising, book trailers, video poetry)
Decorative and applied arts: embroidery, beadwork, weaving, pottery, ceramics, artistic processing of metal, wood, natural materials, vytynanka, decorative painting, Easter egg making, patchwork, straw and wicker weaving
Technical creativity, design: layout, modeling, 3D modeling, robotics

You are waiting for:

  • Prizes and awards!
  • Recognition of talent at your home university!
  • Popularization of your creativity on university web-site and events

How to participate?

  • Shoot a video or photo of your competition work.
  • Publish them on your profiles and profiles of university departments on Facebook, Instagram or other social networks with the hashtag #TalantLNU25.
  • Send an application for participation with information about yourself and a link to your post to ckdlnu@meta.ua from January 15 to February 25, 2025!!!
  • More details about the terms of the competition in the comments in the Competition Regulations

Do not hesitate! Take part and reveal your talent!

APPLICATION FORM for participation in the Online Competition

© Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University, 2007-2025