Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Academic Council Meeting

On November 29, a meeting of the University Academic Council was held remotely.

The agenda included the following issues:

  • the election of the chairman of the academic council of the university;
  • the election of the deputy chairman and secretary, approval of the composition of the committees of the academic council of the university;
  • the material and technical support of the educational process at the university in 2025-2027;
  • adaptation to university life and support for the motivation of students;
  • the awarding of academic titles;
  • miscellaneous.

In connection with the expiration of the term of office of the previous academic council, the university staff formed its new composition. In accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education” and the Statute of the university, the academic council elected the first vice-rector, academician of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Vitalii Kurylo as chairman, whose candidacy was unanimously supported. The university rector Olena Karaman was elected deputy chairman of the academic council, and the secretary – academic secretary Olha Drobysheva. In addition, the composition of the commissions for preparing issues for discussion and consideration at the meetings of the Academic Council of the University was approved.

At the beginning of the main part of the meeting, the Chairman of the Academic Council Vitalii Kurylo announced the awarding of the Gratitude of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine to the employees of the Rubizhne Professional College – the head of the department Liudmyla Linnik and the deputy director for educational and production work Svitlana Prilepska.

The next item on the agenda was the consideration of the problem of material and technical support of the educational process at the university in 2025 – 2027. After listening to and discussing the report of the Vice-Rector Artur Moldovanov and the Acting Head of the Information Technology Center Mykola Semenov, the Academic Council noted that in connection with the relocation of the university due to the aggression of the Russian Federation, the loss of material and technical base is one of the main challenges for the university today. The administration and staff of the university are making significant efforts to ensure proper conditions for learning and work and have achieved certain successes. The number of rented spaces for the educational process has been increased, some of them have been renovated, a laboratory has been created in Lubny, the Innovation Center for IT Solutions has been opened in Myrhorod, international humanitarian aid in the form of educational equipment has been received from the Bath Institute (Great Britain), and computer equipment, educational equipment, furniture, etc. have been purchased. However, there are still challenges that need to be overcome in order to continue to provide a modern and safe educational process. Among them, the most difficult is certainly the limited financial capabilities of the university. Based on the results of the discussion, it was decided to implement a number of steps to improve the university’s material and technical base and attract additional funds.

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