Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Student Social Service


General information

Address: 1 Gogol Square, the city of Starobilsk, Luhansk region, 92703. 

The head of the sector is Olena Olegivna Dukhova
Tel: +38 099-150-17-48
Email: duhova.95_@ukr.net

The activities of the Student Social Service of the State Institution “Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University” are implemented in the following areas:

  • conducting free individual consultations on the search for ways to resolve conflict situations;
  • the basics of quality communication with groupmates and teachers;
  • adaptation of junior students to the educational process, the formation of safe behavior;
  • adaptation and socialization of students with special needs (conducting surveys, organizing individual counseling, developing supporting informational publications, actively involving students with disabilities in socially useful activities, organizing student participation in festivals for children with disabilities);
  • organization of meaningful leisure (participation in the organization of citywide events and thematic meetings-campaigns);
  • organization of social actions on the streets and in children’s hospitals;
  • ecology and environmental protection (actions for cleaning territories and planting trees);
    charity events to collect things for the Red Cross;
  • legal advice on the rights and obligations of students, informing about ways to obtain social protection, guarantees and benefits.

With the support of the Student Social Service Sector, our University carries out volunteer work with the aim of social support and protection of citizens, aimed at:

  • assisting less protected people;
  • carrying out measures for the prevention and protection of the health of citizens, the promotion of a healthy lifestyle;
  • educational-corrective work with children and youth on the most pressing issues of their life;
  • assisting labor veterans and congratulating them on the holidays.
© Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University, 2007-2024