Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Professions Fair

The university structural subdivisions presented their educational services at the Professions Fair in the city of Lubny. 

On May 26, the Fair of Professions, in which representatives of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University took part in the “Kyivska Rus” cinema. 

Before the start of the official part of the event, an interesting presentation exhibition of educational institutions took place in the lobby of the cinema, as well as master classes in aqua make-up, hairstyles and usual make-up. An interesting highlight was a vase with predictions for all those who came.

Oleksandr DUBOVOI, a director of the ER IPES, master of sports of Ukraine in powerlifting, member of the Ukrainian national team, interested young people with a weight of 50 kg, which he easily lifts himself. Those willing to overcome such a weight were also found in the exhibition hall. By the way, the Educational and Research Institute of Physical Education and Sports together with the Marketing Department of LTSNU held an online meeting with 102 graduates of the Luhansk region before the event during the exhibition.

The event began with an opening speech by the Chairman of the Lubny City Council, Oleksandr HRYTSAIENKO, who thanked those present for coming to the event, thanked the organizers and everyone who joined the “Professions Fair”. He noted that it is very difficult to choose a profession at a fairly young age, but assured that any profession will always be useful.

The presenters introduced all the directors of educational institutions who presented their services at the event. During the “Professions Fair” separate structural subdivisions from the State Institution “Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University” offered their educational services, namely:

1. Kadiivka Pedagogical Professional College;
2. Lysychansk Pedagogical Professional College;
3. Rubizhne Professional College;
4. Starobilsk Professionl College;
5. Professional College of LTSNU.

The floor for the speech was given to Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Rector of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University, Olena Karaman, who greeted all those present, sincerely thanked them for the invitation to the “Professions Fair” and noted the power of Lubny educators. Rector Olena Leonidivna spoke about the university itself and presented its structural subdivisions.

Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University  is one of the oldest and most powerful higher education institutions in Ukraine with a 102-year history of training specialists of various profiles, in which all categories of the population can get an education, starting with admission on the basis of 9th grade and ending with a second education at a master’s degree! There are also postgraduate and doctoral programs for the training of doctors of science and doctors of philosophy. The educational offer of the university inlcudes 150 specialties and educational programs!

Today, Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University is a large educational, scientific and industrial complex, which includes 8 institutes, 3 faculties and 6 colleges.

The basic educational institution trains qualified specialists at all educational (educational and scientific) levels and scientific degrees – bachelor’s, master’s, doctor of philosophy, doctor of science, advanced training. 6 professional colleges train professional junior bachelors, and the Regional Center for Professional Education of LTSNU trains qualified workers.

The educational process in the basic educational institution is provided by more than 1,000 teachers — candidates, doctors of science, professors, academicians of Ukrainian and foreign academies of sciences.

The university is constantly working to create the best conditions for the rapid intellectual growth of its teachers and graduates. Every year, the university graduates more than 3,000 specialists for various industries and spheres of social activity.

The university staff confidently continues to work for the development of education and science on the territory of free Ukraine. Our university is a friendly family of many thousands, and our graduates are already working as scientists, professors, deputies, consuls, and many have become heroes. Since then, more than 500,000 specialists of various profiles have graduated from Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University.

Then the Rector, Olena Karaman, spoke about the advantages of studying in the structural institutions of the university and gladly invited all those who wish to join the Shevchenko family. After that she gave the floor to the director of the separate structural subdivision “Starobilsk Professional College” of the State institution “Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University”, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Olena Krutko.

Olena Krutko properly presented the colleges and recommended a decent selection of professions and specialties offered by these institutions, namely:

  • Pre-school Education;
  • Social Work. Social Pedagogy;
  • Primary Education;
  • Secondary Education (Labor training and technologies);
  • Secondary Education (Physical education);
  • Journalism;
  • Economy;
  • Accounting and Taxation;
  • Entrepreneurship and Trade;
  • Computer Engineering;
  • Industrial Engineering;
  • Electric Power Engineering, Electrical engineering, Electromechanics;
  • Food Technologies;
  • Construction and Civil Engineering;
  • Motor Transport;
  • Primary Education (language and literature (English));
  • Information, Library and Archival Affairs;
  • Design (hairdressing and decorative cosmetics);
  • Hotel and Restaurant Business.

The event ended with powerful and talented performances by students of the Educational and Research Institute of Culture and Arts of the State Institution “Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University”, who came from the city of Poltava: a vocal performance by a student of the institute, Karina Varfolomieva – “Song of the Smuggler” and a dance “Hip Hop”.

So, dear applicants, you will definitely choose a specialty for yourself at Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University. Don’t delay! Make a conscious, correct choice and become one of us – Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University!

And remember, we are waiting for you, because OUR EDUCATION IS A GUARANTEE OF YOUR SUCCESS!

Press center of LTSNU


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