Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Guest lecture

Guest lecture “Political Stability: Dynamic and Stagnant. Political Tension”.

On May 24, the leading researcher of the Department of Political Institutes and Processes of the Kuras Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies, Doctor of Political Sciences Tetiana Mykhailivna Liashenko gave an online lecture for future doctors of philosophy majoring in “Political Science”.

The topic of the lecture is determined by the fact that the current situation in Ukraine does not contribute to social consolidation and solidarity. The source of political tension is: failure to satisfy basic needs; institutions that generate violence; frustration; aggression; deprivation; mobilization of resources.

The state should monitor the process; create and use communication and interpretation sites, but right now there is a lack of such institutions. Cooperation with the IMF and the World Bank is a factor that, on the one hand, stimulates reforms, and on the other hand, thanks to the support of the macroeconomic situation, it is a factor that reduces political tension in the country and with different results, but makes it possible to carry out a number of reforms.

We thank Tetiana Mykhailivna for the relevant and meaningful lecture.

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