Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Busy career orientation week at the ER IPES

The career orientation work during the last week was very active for the Educational and Research Institute of Physical Education and Sports. 

A number of secondary education institutions of the Lubny District learned about the specialties for which Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University trains future specialists. Among them were Kaluga Elementary School, Gobinsk Gymnasium, Slobodo-Petrivska Elementary School, Denisivska Elementary School, Orzhynska Elementary School, Chevelska Elementary School, and others. In general, 17 secondary schools of the Lubny district of the Poltava region were covered.

We would like to thank Oleksandr Volodymyrovych Dubovoi, Director of the ER IPES for the active organization of career guidance work among graduates of the city of Lubny and the Lubny community!

We thank for the opportunity to take part in online career guidance work with school graduates in Pyriatyn to the head of the Luhansk regional branch of the NOC of Ukraine Viktor Vasylovych Ostretsov for conducting career guidance work during joint events.

Together we are invincible, strong, courageous! Glory to Ukraine!

According to the ER IPES

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