Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Guest lecture at the FUPJ

On May 2, the Faculty of Ukrainian Philology and Journalism hosted a guest lecture “Economics of Attention – How to Make Money from Any Content in 2023.”

Roman Rusanov, director of Yulav Media LLC (Kyiv), stakeholder of specialty 061 Journalism, was the speaker of the event. Mr. Roman told the students and teachers about his first project – the regional information internet publication “Luhansk Radar” (2013) and TikTok houses – an association of bloggers who live in one place and spend most of their time working on creating content for various social networks. The biggest realization in Roman’s life was the project “uLove Home” (2020), which constantly cooperates with famous people and has two models of monetization – B2B and B2C.

The first model involves cooperation with brands. Roman claims that the volume of the advertising market in Ukrainian TikTok varies from 1 to 4 million UAH. month. This indicator directly depends on the calendar and events. In December, for example, the advertising market may exceed UAH 5 million.
Roman considers the B2C model more interesting. Each blogger has his own audience, which brings him profit in different ways. The easiest option is views on YouTube. It’s the same with streaming music – each listen brings money. At the same time, bloggers can promote their stores with products.

“uLove Home” has four divisions:

  • Agency. Engages in advertising not only members of the house, but also third-party tiktokers. Almost 80% of all TikTok advertising on the Ukrainian market goes through the agency.
  • YouTube. Content is created for YouTube. Roman highlights this platform as one of the most important for the growth of the project.
  • Production. Deals with all commercial projects. For example, the house has already made a series of commercials for the Mirinda brand.
  • Music. Deals with everything related to creating music for members of the house.

Roman also cited four main reasons for closing such projects:

  • Lack of financial cushion during the start-up. Many founders hope that the initial investment is enough. However, the house requires constant support and involvement in the project.
  • A superficial view of monetization. Such a project necessarily requires a business plan, points of growth and development of monetization. You should not rely purely on the talent of bloggers and “accidental” advertising integrations.
  • Lack of understanding of the basics of working with the new generation. Entrepreneurs often do not understand how to talk to teenagers and young people.
  • Lack of harmony and balance in the team. Among the participants there should not be “main” and “secondary”. They are all part of one project.

The lecture did not leave the students indifferent, who willingly asked the speaker questions. At the end of his speech, Mr. Roman wished success and career growth to everyone present at the event.

According to the Faculty of Ukrainian Philology and Journalism

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