Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

The Director of the ER IHIRSPS made a comment in the “Yedyni Novyny” marathon

Recently, the Director of the Institute of History, International Relations and Socio-Political Sciences, Anton Bader, commented on the Inter TV channel in the “Yedyni Novyny” marathon.

Anton Bader mentioned that May 9 is a sacred date for Putin. And the militaristic clanking of weapons on the parade is the apotheosis of the propaganda of the “Russian peace”.

“In Putin’s authoritarian state, it was exploited and continues to be exploited for its citizens, that Russia is a great power, that it won the Second World War. And this justifies the presence of large military structures. And this image, formed in the 70s of the last century, was exploited for a very long time.” – Anton Bader noted. 

Anton Bader is quite often invited as an expert on socio-political issues to various TV shows and broadcasts.

Educational and Research Institute of History,
International Relations and Socio-Political Sciences

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