Methodical seminar on methods of teaching the Japanese language
The associate professor of the Department of Oriental Languages, the guarantor of the educational program “Language and Literature (Japanese, English)” held a methodical seminar for teachers on the topic “Reading news in the process of learning Japanese” at the Faculty of Foreign Languages.
During the seminar, MalakhovaYuliya substantiated the relevance of reading news in foreign language classes, which gives students the opportunity not only to work with a “living” language, relevant and modern vocabulary, but also to acquire related knowledge that forms the sociocultural competence of the future philologist-translator.
At the lessons with seniorstudents, reading the news is a very important component. In the process of translation, students also have the opportunity to consolidate and deepen the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during the study of the “Stylistics” course. In addition, grammatical constructions, inflections, stable phrases, and idioms inherent in journalistic texts can become valuable material for writing research papers.
The main stages of working with such texts are the translation and understanding of the title, the analysis of the relationship between the title and the text, as well as the text and the context. Yuliya demonstrated a fragment of the lesson, during which they were reading, translating and analyzing news texts together, revealed the peculiarities of working with original texts, ways of developing vocabulary using electronic dictionaries.
At the meeting, colleagues shared their experience of using news texts in the educational process, discussed ways to encourage students to learn a foreign language and develop translation skills.
The Department of Oriental Languages sincerely thanks Yulia for the relevant and useful information, and all the participants of the seminar too. We hope that the achievements of the speaker will be useful to colleagues.
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