Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Meeting with stakeholders

An online meeting was held at the Department of Romano-Germanic Philology with stakeholders of the “Language and Literature (French, English)” educational program.

An online meeting was held at the Department of Romano-Germanic Philology with stakeholders of the “Language and Literature (French, English)” educational program to discuss the compliance of its content with the requirements of the labor market and to promote its optimization.On December 14, 2022, at the Department of Romano-Germanic Philology, the guarantor of the educational program was Associate Professor L.V. Shapovalova. organized a meeting with stakeholders within the framework of discussing the compliance of the OP with modern challenges.

The meeting was attended by the head of the department of foreign languages, associate professor Yunina O.E., stakeholders, students of education.Stakeholders spoke about the program and provided their recommendations for its optimization.In particular, V.L. Ishchenko, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor of the Business Foreign Language Department of the Higher Educational Institution of the Ukoopspilka. believes that it would be useful to involve French speakers in the teaching of educational components or in language and communication practice or language club meetings.French teacher of the highest category at Lyceum No. 33 of the Poltava City Council Pliskina H.G., teacher of French at the Oleksiiv Lyceum of the Novoaidar Settlement Council Povidajchik V.V., teacher of French at the Communal Institution “Poltava City Multidisciplinary Lyceum No. 1 named after Ivan Petrovich Kotlyarevsky” Aaddy Brahim, French teacher of the highest category at the Communal Institution “Poltava General Education school of the I-III degrees No. 22 of the Poltava city council of the Poltava region” Stupak I.V. point out that it would be worthwhile to regularly monitor the compliance of the obtained training results and the formed competences of the graduates with the requirements of the modern labor market.Iryna Nesterenko, a French teacher at the Lysychansk multidisciplinary gymnasium, draws attention to the fact that graduates of this program have a wide range of employment opportunities; that the volume of credits of educational disciplines is appropriate, thanks to which general and special competences in the relevant specialty and specialization are ensured; that the normative content of the training of higher education applicants includes the basic directions of professional training of bachelors of philology, that the OP contributes to the development of a spiritually, aesthetically and culturally developed personality and ensures the formation of important psychological, communicative and creative qualities in it.

French teacher of the highest category, Methodist teacher of Lyceum No. 13 “Uspikh” of the Poltava City Council Marienko O.O. approves the presence in the program of a course dedicated to working with children who have special educational needs, namely OK No. 9 “Psychological and pedagogical technologies of inclusive education”.Iryna Hrechyshkina, a teacher of the French language of the highest category at the “Novoaidar School-Gymnasium” and Lina Opryshko, a teacher of the highest category, a Methodist English teacher of the specified educational institution, emphasize that using the knowledge and skills acquired under the specified educational program, specialists can not only teach French, English language and literature, relying on the latest technologies and creating interesting tasks based on them, as well as motivating students, developing their interest in French and English history and culture.

All stakeholders note that the specified program meets the requirements for the training of specialists in the specialty 014 Secondary education, field of knowledge 01 Education / Pedagogy, specialization: “Language and literature (French, English)” educational qualification “Bachelor of secondary education” Language and literature (French, English), professional qualification “Teacher of French, English languages ​​and foreign literature”), modern needs of the labor market and challenges of the European area of ​​higher education.The meeting took place in a friendly atmosphere. Students of the Language and Literature (French, English) program had the opportunity to communicate directly with stakeholders and receive their recommendations. 

Information Center of the Faculty of Foreign Languages

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