16 Days Against Violence
On November 25, the Executive Committee of the Lubny City Council of the Poltava Region, with the participation of the LTSNU, jointly held the All-Ukrainian campaign “16 Days Against Violence”.
Manifestations of violence have accompanied humanity for centuries: one person offends another, commits violent acts against him. This is how the realities of our time speak of Russian aggression against Ukrainians.
Every year on this day, the countries of the world unite for one goal: to increase knowledge about types of violence and to prevent it. The purpose of this event is to attract the attention of the community to the manifestations of violence, the fight against it, as well as the activities of state institutions and the public.
The students of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University supported the action with a bright flash mob, and at the end, they released balloons with orange ribbons into the sky. This was preceded by its own history, because the orange color is a symbol of disagreement with violence in society, the fight against it and the beginning of a new life. If violence is around us, we can’t get past it, we have to stop it! We are against violence! We say no to violence all over the world!