Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

The Department of Philosophy and Sociology continued distance learning

This week, the Department of Philosophy and Sociology continued distance learning with students majoring in Sociology.

The most efficient mode of operation is provided by groups in Telegram. Longer-term communication takes place through the Moodle platform, but there are some restrictions on it in the temporarily occupied territories. They have to be bypassed due to duplication of other means of communication.

Lecture courses in “Theoretical Sociology” in the 1st year were completed this week. Also a lecture course on the History of Sociology in this course was completed. This course is read for three semesters. The first-year students listened to lectures on protosociology. The second-year students completed the course “History of World Sociology” in a lecture mode. They completed the study of this section of the history of sociology in the early twentieth century. Later in the following courses, they will learn the history of sociology of the twentieth century.

Sociology students will continue to study these courses in lecture mode and will write modular papers.

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