Let’s Stop HIV / AIDS together!
LNU students learned about the danger of HIV.
Every day we are surrounded by thousand of dangers. We see some, know them well and try to protect themselves. But sometimes we forget about the most dangerous ones or just do not know about their consequences. That is why the All-Ukrainian Network of People Living with HIV jointly with LNU conducted a lecture for our students about the dangers of this virus and how to challenge stereotypes about HIV-infected.
The All-Ukrainian Network of People Living with HIV had just a small number of activists in the beginning but has developed into the most successful national organization of PLH. Today the network of PLH is the largest and the most powerful organization supported interests of HIV-positive Ukrainians. The All-Ukrainian Network has 40 representatives in the regions of Ukraine and reckons about 500 members, more that 400 employees and provides services for more than 40 000 clients. Its main goals are people living with HIV to be provided with quality state-funded service (medicine, psychological, social and legal support) and have equal rights.
HIV-positive person is a central value of organization. The network is founded, managed and works for HIV-positive people that is covered in Organization’s Mission and Vision. The All-Ukrainian network of PLH is aimed at positive changes in life quality of PLH, supporting implementation of rights and duties of people living with HIV including the one to self-determination and to the participation in making decision effect their life.
Every person is unique and important and one needs to take this into consideration not allowing any disregard for the person. Everyone has a right to self-determination that does not influence on the rights of other people.
The network consisted of like-minded persons who friendly work and support each other to achieve the common goal: they share their experience and provide assistance and psychological support.
A lecture of the All-Ukrainian Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS Maryna Vasylivna Sokolenko told students about the history of HIV and explained what a person feels after infecting. Lecture discussed the ways of HIV transmission, risks of contamination and medical care. Also the participants watched a film displayed all important information on this terrible disease.
Having heard the lecture, students checked their awareness in this important issue and understood that we should discuss HIV/AIDS problem not only at the international holidays but to remember about it every day and to protect themselves and friends.
Organizer – All-Ukrainian Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS
Co-organizer – Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University
Coordinator – Student Social Service
Press-Center of LNU