Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Participation in the project competition

Teachers of the Psychology Department took part in the project competition. 

Teachers of the Psychology Department took part in the competition of projects for grants from the European Executive Agency for Culture and Education within the framework of the European Union Erasmus+ Program (the EU program to support education, training, youth and sports in Europe).

A project aimed at improving approaches to learning and teaching in HEIs was presented to the commission for consideration. Namely, “Improving the quality of professional training of psychologists and improving the skills of psychologists in providing services to the population of the Luhansk region in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic”.

According to teachers, such work should begin with a study of the post-Covid syndrome (the psychological consequences of the disease) and ways to overcome it. Based on the results of scientific research, it is planned to develop a certified advanced training program for psychologists ,,Psychological assistance to overcome the ,,Post-COVID syndromeˮ. Also it is planned to develop and introduce into the EP ,,Psychologyˮ, OK ,,Psychological rehabilitation ,,Post-COVID-Syndromeˮ in order to form students’ competence in working with a person who has survived COVID-19 diseases.

Now we are waiting for the results of the competition.

According to the Psychology Department

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