Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Meeting of the Academic Council

Regular meeting of the Academic Council of LNU was conducted on December 19.

The agenda included several issues such as: on university budget for 2016 financial year, competitive things, on assigning academic titles, any other business.

Chief accountant Tetiana Fedorivna Barezhna reported on university budget for 2016 financial year. The Academic Council approved income and expenditure estimate for 2016 and passed to use the cost of special fund only according to the approved protocols of budget commission. Expenses which are not planned but necessary for the university should be made only due to excess value of planned income or according to relocation of resources approved by budget commission based on applications of structural heads within the approved estimate taking into account working law.

Pro-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work Dmytro Viktorovych Uzhchenko spoke on competitive things. Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Associated Professor Serhii Volodymyrovych Masliiov was stand for a post of Professor of the Department of Production Technologies and Professional Education. Serhii Volodymyrovych was elected by secret voting.

Academic Council applies to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for assigning of academic titles:

– Professor of the Department of Economic Theory, Marketing and Enterprising to Doctor of Economic Sciences Viacheslav Anatoliiovych Chebotarov;

– Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Language – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Alla Vasylivna Nikitina;

– Associated Professor of the Department of Social Work – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Nataliia Borysovna Larionova;

– Associated Professor of the Department of Social Pedagogy – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Svitlana Volodymyrivna Tantuieva;

– Associated Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Language – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Oksana Mykolaivna Kravchuk;

– Associated Professor of the Department of Politology and Legal Science – Candidate of Historical Sciences Antin Vasylovych Bader;

– Associated Professor of the Department of Fine Art and Professional Skill – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Tetiana Volodymyrivna Filatieva;

– Associated Professor of the Department of Musical Art – Candidate of Sciences in Arts Iryna Anatoliivna Yashchenko;

– Associated Professor of the Department of Social Pedagogy – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Inna Serhiivna Somkina.

Other business included recommendation to publish research and educative papers and approval of subjects for doctoral and candidate thesis.

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