Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

“Ukraine – China”: intercultural dialogue

“Ukraine – China”: intercultural dialogue on the platform of the youth club of oriental cultures of LNU

Traditionally supporting the development of intercultural professional competencies among students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, on December 13, 2021 a regular meeting of the Youth Club of Oriental Cultures of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University was held. The invited guest of the meeting was Ms. Cui Liwei, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Head of the Department of Foreign Languages at Harbin University, who in a tolerant and at the same time communicatively balanced form, told about the peculiarities of students’life in Chinese universities during the global pandemic COVID-19.

The meeting was joined by associate professor ​​Yulia Malakhova, who is currently undergoing an internship at this university. She showed LNU students a photo of the Chinese campus, told about certain features of the life of Chinese students. The meeting was moderated by students majoring in “Language and Literature (Chinese, English)” Elena Zhuikova and Daryana Mitusova, with the support of whom students in a friendly manner discussed the peculiarities of student life in Ukraine and China. An important practical achievement of the meeting was that, like previous similar events, it allowed students of our university to learn a lot of interesting information about the country they study, practice their skills to discuss Chinese and establish effective communication with representatives of other cultures.

In addition to students, there were present at the meeting of the Club a student of Poltava scientific lyceum # 3, who dreams of entering our university, Chinese language teachers and the head of the department of oriental languages. It was a pleasure to hear that Ms. Cui Liwei praised the level of Chinese language proficiency of our students. Ms. Cui Liwei’s advice and recommendations on learning Chinese were very useful for LNU students.

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