Master class for education applicants
A practicing psychologist conducted a master class for higher education applicants.
Initially, Ukrainians differed from other peoples by their respect for family values. Therefore, families in our country are the main element of society, the bearer of human morality, culture and historical heredity of generations, a factor in the stability and development of the state and the well-being of each of us.
The formation of related values among higher education applicants at our higher education institution is one of the priority areas for the development of their personalities. Thus, on the initiative of the head of the Student Social Service Olena Dukhova, a master class was held on the topic “Family and Marriage. Mutual Rights and Obligations of Parents and Childrenˮ. The trainer was Ihor Chernysh, a psychologist at the Starobilsk Center for Professional Development of Teachers.
The purpose of the event was the pedagogical education of student youth regarding the problems of the modern Ukrainian family and joint search for ways to solve the problematic issues faced by the modern Ukrainian family.
Within the framework of the master class, the concept of a family was considered, the problems of a modern Ukrainian family were identified and characteristics were given to the rights and obligations of spouses, parents and children. Those present learned about the differences between the concepts of legal / non-legal and registered / unregistered marriage; examined the responsibilities of children and parents.
At the end of the event, the applicants completed certain tasks, while consolidating the theoretical knowledge. The result was an exchange of opinions and feelings of the audience.
Viktoria Kalinina,
Press Center of LTSNU