Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Meeting of the Academic Council

Today Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University has conducted its meeting of the Academic Council.

The agenda included:

  • On university activity coverage in media and on web-site.
  • On the features of social and humanitarian work under the conditions of forced evacuation.
  • Competitive things.
  • On assigning academic titles.

Pro-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work Oleksandr Serhiiovych Meniailenko reported on the university activity coverage in media and on web-site. He noted that the university performs significant work on covering university activity in media and web-sites of university and its subdivisions.

100% of server and methodical hardware have been lost due to the forced evacuation to the city of Starobilsk. As a result, almost all sites and information repository of the university have been lost as well.

Design, structure and control system of university website has been changed many times (2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2014) during the whole period of its existence. We have analysed the structure and content of leading European and American universities to create a website according to the best world principles. The conducted monitoring has showed the necessity of functional approach which provided quick acess to all information resources of the website. That is why we have developed new structure and control system for the university website which is in test and modification now.

Covering university activity in media and on website provides good possibilities for representation of Luhansk National University to create positive image of our university in region, Ukraine and over the world as a university competitive on the Ukrainian and international market of educational services.

The subject was added by the Head of Marketing Department Ihor Oleksandrovych Lysenko. He noted that according to the work schedule during 2014 – 2015 and to the plan of the Center for Information Technologies, the information policy of the university was intended to present the educational services of LNU to our region, Ukraine and other countries via mass media and the Internet in the Ukrainian and international guides for university entrants, publication of information on LNU on the websites of Ukraine and abroad.

Ihor Oleksandrovych listed the main directions of future work: search for new opportunities to present the university on the media scene; providing good and effective information support of LNU due to all available means; dealing with financial matters with media; formation of corporation mindset of employees to improve the effectiveness of university information support.

Pro-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work Oleksandr Ivanovych Babychev reported on the features of social and humanitarian work under the conditions of forced evacuation. He put the most important tasks of socio-humanitarian work including the arrangement of conditions for: active life of students; civic consciousness and personal fulfillment; maximal filling the needs of the youth in physical, intellectual, cultural and moral development.

The feature of modern stage of socio-humanitarian work is a socio-psychological adaptation of students to remote education (via tools for distance learning) and under the conditions of forced evacuation.

Head of Sector for Student Social Service Olena Hennadiivna Dorohavtseva described the state of student social service’s activity under the evacuation.

Socio-humanitarian activity of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology under the conditions of forced evacuation was reported on by the Deputy Director of IPP for Socio-Humanitarian Work Vira Fedorivna Pushko. She pointed the main directions of socio-humanitarian work of the Institute for 2015 – 2016 academic year:

  • organizational and methodological support;
  • elucative work on the websites of distance learning and social networking sites;
  • patriotic education of the youth;
  • saving and development of corporate culture;
  • development of intelligent and community-minded person;
  • psychological support and adaptation of students to the education under the conditions of temporary evacuation and remote access;
  • providing of students with special needs with quality education, household activities, leisure and harmonious development.
  • development of system of student government;
  • supporting talented students;
  • advertising and career-guiding work;
  • arrangement of conditions for adaptation of university graduates to the modern labor-market and motivation to working career.

Pro-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work Dmytro Viktorovych Uzhchenko reported on the competitive things. Tetiana Ivanivna Vasylchenko was stand for the post of Director of “Stakhanov Pedagogical College of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University”. Viktor Vasyliovych Burdun was stand for the post of the Head of Department of Production Technologies and Professional Education. Olena Dmytriivna Boiarchuk was stand for the post of the Head of Department of Anatomy, Physiology of Human and Animals.

Academic Secretary Halyna Petrivna Shchuka reported on assigning academic titles. So, on the resolution of the Academic Council of LNU, the following academic titles were assigned to:

  • Professor of the Department of Philological Disciplines to the Doctor of Philological Sciences Vitalina Volodymyrivna Kizilova;
  • Professor of the Department of Musical Art – Doctor of Art Study Andrii Yakovych Stashevskyi;
  • Professor of the Department of Tourism, Hotel and Restaurant Business – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Halyna Petrivna Shchuka;
  • Associated Professor of the Department of State Service, Administration and Management – Candidate of Historical Sciences Nelli Volodymyrivna Zablotsko-Sennikova;
  • Associated Professor of the Department of Tourism, Hotel and Restaurant Business – Candidate of Economic Sciences Oleksandra Anatoliivna Melnykova;
  • Associated Professor of the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Olena Ivanivna Sokolenko;
  • Associated Professor of the Department of Physicoengineering Systems and Computer Science – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Kateryna Hryhoriivna Chernobai;
  • Associated Professor of the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Oleksandr Vasylovych Lyvatskyi;
  • Associated Professor of the Department of Defectology and Psychological Correction – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Tetiana Vitaliivna Makhukova;
  • Associated Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Philology and General Linguistics – Candidate of Philological Sciences Larysa Leonidivna Kolesnikova;
  • Associated Professor of the Department of Tourism, Hotel and Restaurant Business – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Alla Volodymyrivna Hutsol;

All candidates were elected by secret voting.

Yuliia Tretiakova, Press-Center of LNU

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