The Educational Event
Educational Event at the Research and Training Institute of Physical Education and Sports
On September 16, 2021, the research and educational institute of physical education and sports hosted an educational event “Internationalization and Academic Mobility” for first- and second-year students. The event was hosted by Associate Professor, teacher of “Foreign language for professional purposes” Fedicheva N.V. At the beginning of the meeting, she noted that in the context of the formation of the European scientific and educational network, the internationalization of higher education is becoming increasingly important. The concept of internationalization of education is multifaceted, and its immanent feature is the focus on the integration of the international component into national research, community service, and educational services of higher education. The internationalization of education is classified as external (international academic mobility) and internal (implementation of world standards, internationalization of training courses, intercultural programs, etc.). In internationalization, several world-renowned organizations are important tools to help find analytics and relevant information: the national Erasmus + office in Ukraine, UNESCO, the European Commission (EACEA), the Fulbright Program, the German Academic Exchange Agency (DAAD), the British Council, and more. These organizations assist in academic, international exchanges and student mobility.
Then Fedicheva N.V. drew attention of the audience to the need to understand the role of English for academic mobility. She stressed that English is the mother tongue of 500 million people on the planet, and every seventh person in the world speaks it. She also noted that English is the language of career and professional development and is therefore considered the key to success in the modern world. It is also a universal language of communication in travel, travel, business events, sports competitions, international conferences. Then the teacher of the discipline “Foreign language for professional purposes” provided useful advice on how to learn English effectively. Fedicheva N.V. reported on TELEGRAM chat “Call accepted”, where she has been communicating exclusively in English with second-year students of the Research and Training Institute of Physical Education and Sports. First-year students recently joined the chat. There are 24 members in this chat today. The most active are such students as Nazar Palamarchuk, Ksenia Lazurko, Dmytruk Danylo, Kyrylo Zelensky, Oleksandr Martovytsky.