Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Meeting of the scientific-discussion class “Orientalist”

On September 7th, the first meeting of the scientific-discussion class of future orientalists took place at the Faculty of Foreign Languages.

Head of the Department Fedicheva N.V. told about the scientific work of the Department of Oriental Languages ​​and focused on the significance of this work for students, future orientalists. Students were offered an approximate topics of annual international scientific and practical conferences for students and lecturers, told about the famous Ukrainian and foreign researchers who participated in the conferences, and examples of successful scientific achievements of students.

Lecturer of the department Ovcharenko O.A. told about her own experience of participating in conferences and preparing for the competition of student research papers. And the senior laboratory assistant of the department, master of the Chinese language, teacher of the department of theory and practice of translation, Korinska O.O. focused on the requirements and design of theses and articles that students submit to the compilation of scientific papers of the department. Korinska O.O., who has a significant number of her own scientific publications, also said that she would send information to all orientalist students in advance about the international conferences that the Department of Oriental Languages ​​plans to hold in May 2022.

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