University is certified in mathematics
Our university successfully passed the state scientific certification in mathematics and received the qualification group B.
According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 372 of 25.03.2021 on the results of state certification of HEIs in terms of their scientific (scientific and technical) activities, SI “Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University” is certified in the scientific direction “Mathematical Sciences and Natural Sciences” and referred in the indicated direction to qualification group B.
In accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 652 dated August 22, 2018, the list of scientific areas in which state certification of HEIs is carried out in terms of their scientific (scientific and technical) activities includes the following 7 areas: Agrarian Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Military Sciences and Homeland Security, Humanities and Arts, Social Sciences, Biology and Healthcare, Mathematical Sciences and Natural Sciences, Engineering Sciences.
Based on the results of the examination in the scientific direction, the HEI can be certified and assigned to one of the qualification groups A, B, C or, otherwise, not certified. In the scientific direction, qualification groups A, B, C include certified HEIs, research and development of which is carried out either at the world level of development of science and technology, are of important national and / or global importance (group A), or at a high professional level, are important for certain sectors of the economy, other spheres of public life, strengthening national security (group B), or at a satisfactory professional level and are important primarily for ensuring the proper level of the educational process in them (group C).
A higher educational institution is considered to have not passed state certification, if it fails state certification in any of the 7 scientific areas. The results of the state attestation of HEIs in a scientific direction are used by the main managers, whose management sphere includes HEIs that have passed attestation, during the consideration of the issue of reorganization or liquidation of HEIs. Today, Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University is certified in only one scientific direction “Mathematical Sciences and Natural Sciences”.
It should be noted that among the main criteria by which the state certification of higher education institutions in scientific areas is carried out are the following:
- 1) the provision of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel (the level of qualifications of scientists, taking into account, in particular, scientometric indicators used in the international examination system);
- 2) the number of HEI articles in a scientific direction in scientific publications (journals), which are indexed in the scientometric databases “Scopus” and / or “Web of Science”;
- 3) the number of scientific publications (journals), the founder (co-founder) of which is the HEI in the scientific direction, and which are indexed in the scientometric databases “Scopus” and / or “Web of Science”;
- 4) the number of HEI employees (at the main place of work) who are members of the editorial boards of scientific publications (journals), which are indexed in the scientometric databases “Scopus” and / or “Web of Science”;
- 5) the dynamics of the volume of scientific (scientific and technical) work from the general and special funds of the state budget in scientific areas;
- 6) the integration of scientific activities of HEIs in a scientific direction in the world scientific and educational space;
- 7) the correspondence of scientific activity to the priority directions of the development of science and technology and the prospects for the development of the scientific direction in HEI.
The certification of our HEI was successfully passed, since the scientific activity of the Department of Algebra and Systems Analysis meets the main criteria for state certification of HEI, given above, namely: the members of the department organize the work of the international mathematical journal “Algebra and Discrete Mathematics”, which is reviewed in such world databases of scientific publications as Scopus, Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science), Mathematical Reviews (USA), Zentralblatt Math (Germany), regularly participate in foreign and domestic grants and conferences, undergo scientific internships abroad, have a fairly high level of publication activity, in particular the general department Hirsch index (h-index) according to Scopus is 18, they are experts of the scientific councils of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, actively defend and oppose dissertations, etc.
The direct support of the administration of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University plays an important role in the development of mathematics at our university. We also hope for further support of the mathematical direction, which helps to strengthen the position of our HEI both in the domestic scientific space and in the international arena.
Head of the Department of Algebra and System Analysis
A.V. Zhuchok