Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Online lectures from a German Professor

A mathematician from Germany gave a series of lectures for students, master’s students and postgraduate students of mathematical specialties.

On March 16 – 18, open lectures on the topic “Semigroups of Transformations on Finite and Infinite Sets” were held by Professor of Mathematics of the University of Potsdam and the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Jörg Koppitz for students and master’s students of mathematical specialties, as well as future doctors of philosophy of LTSNU. 

The lectures were devoted to semigroups of transformations of finite and infinite sets, in particular, some classical semigroups of transformations, the concept of a semigroup of transformations with restricted range was considered, and classical results from the theory of transformation semigroups were presented.

Let’s note that it is through transformations that the connections of the theory of semigroups with other scientific areas are made, in particular, such as graph theory, theory of algorithms, abstract theory of automata, crystallography, nuclear physics, etc. Today, the theory of semigroups constitutes a separate powerful section of general algebra, which has its own research methods, tasks and numerous results, and whole monographs are devoted to its individual objects. In addition, the topics of the lectures corresponded to the direction of research of the teachers of the Department of Algebra and System Analysis, as well as master’s students and postgraduates of mathematical specialties. The lecture material was clearly presented in the form of a presentation, and all concepts were illustrated with a large number of examples, which made the material more understandable.

The open lectures were held remotely via videoconferences, which generally lasted about 6 academic hours. At the beginning of the event, Professor Koppitz was welcomed by Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Leonid Vakhovskyi; Director of the Educational and Research Institute of Physics, Mathematics and Information Technologies, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Hennadii Mohylnyi, as well as the head of the Department of Algebra and System Analysis, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Anatolii Zhuchok, at whose invitation these lectures were organized.

On behalf of the university and students, they thanked Professor Koppitz and expressed their wish for further cooperation and meetings in this format. The lectures were also attended by students of other specialties of our institute, teachers, heads of departments, in particular, the head of the Department of Information Technologies and Systems, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Mykola Semenov; head of the Department of Physical and Technical Systems and Informatics, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Yu.G. Kozub, as well as representatives of the dean’s office.

The scientific and teaching staff of the University and in particular the Department of Algebra and System Analysis expresses sincere gratitude to the esteemed Professor Jörg Koppitz and looks forward to further fruitful cooperation.

Department of Algebra and System Analysis


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