Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Results of the competition

The Foreign Languages ​​Department announced the results of the competition “Literary Treasure of Taras Shevchenko in the Intercultural Space”, which is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the State Institution “Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University”.

The competition was attended by students of the Foreign Languages Department, students of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, as well as students of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Physical education and Sports. The task of the students was to read out any poem by T. Shevchenko in a foreign language. Papers in English, French, Spanish, German, Chinese and Japanese came to the assessment. Foreign students took part in the reading of poems by Taras Shevchenko in Russian and Ukrainian. During the assessment, the jury took into account the quality of pronunciation, creativity, presentation creativity, connection with the audience and acting. It became a difficult task to choose the finalists, because all the works are incredibly interesting, creative and deserve to be won. All participants will receive certificates for participating in the competition, but we will focus on the prize places.

The Grand Prix in English was given to the 1st year student of the Foreign Languages Department ​​- Elizaveta Dolya, and the first place was taken by Artem Pelykh, the 2nd year student of the Foreign Languages Department. Grechishkina Ekaterina, 2nd year student of the Foreign Languages Department won the 1st place in Spanish. Mayorenko Vera, a 4th year student of the Foreign Languages Department received the 1st place in French. The 4th year student of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, Evgeniya Chernova, took the 1st place in the German language. The Grand Prix in Chinese was won by a 3rd year student of the Foreign Languages Department ​​– Maria Grechana, and the 1st place was given to a 1st year student of the Foreign Languages Department​​- Elena Zhuikova. In the Ukrainian language, the 1st place was taken by a 4th year student of the Foreign Languages Department ​​- Baltaeva Merzhen. The only work in the Czech language received the Grand Prix, which won  the 2nd year student of the Foreign Languages Department, Polina Shekhavtsova.

More information about prizes and nominations will be published on the Instagram page (fim_lnu) of the Foreign Languages ​​Faculty and on the Facebook page. The Foreign Languages Department ​​would like to thank every student who found the courage to share their talent and creativity with us.

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