Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Flashmob congratulations to the 100th anniversary of our Alma Mater

The Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​has started a flashmob-congratulation to the 100th anniversary of the State Institution “Lugansk Taras Shevchenco National University” among all faculties and institutes.

The wonderful idea of ​​student self-government of the Foreign Languages Department ​​inspired many graduates to shoot a video congratulating our university with birthday and leave them for a long memory on Instagram and Facebook, on the pages of the Foreign Languages Department. Therefore, university graduates of different years of graduation, from different parts of the world and in different languages ​​shoot warm videos with sincere congratulations. The most precious treasure is to hear such great reviews of our university from graduates. Our Department is proud of every graduate who has proven himself in our country or abroad, thanks to the knowledge gained at our university. The realization that the best years of students’ lives are associated with our university unusually inspire and direct them to a successful future.

Now there are already congratulations from Madrid, Warsaw, Ashgabat, Kramatorsk, Ternopil, etc. We invite all departments and institutes to join the congratulatory flashmob.

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