Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка


On September 19 the students of the Institute of Culture and Arts visited opening of festival “ART FOOD FEST”.

It started with a small flashmob, contests and fair. Various delicious dishes with their wonderful smells attracted everybody, especially men’s hearts.

The rays of the sun touched everyone, good mood reigned, delicacies and hand-made pieces of art delighted the eye. But the goal of the event was not food but art and that is why our students participated in it.

The festival was full with different performances. The guests could enjoy wonderful electric guitar solo of the student of “Musical Art” Oleksii Klochko.

Music which is able to come deep into the mind and open the hidden parts of the soul for a new experience. Such impressions were presented by the students of “Choreography” specialty. Energetic music, embroidery, red belts, vivid images and fast harmonic motions were joined into one amazing dance.

The atmosphere was overfilled with happiness, joy and love for life. Not everyone had such possibility to participate into action but the majority of our students came to support their friends. In the building of human happiness friendship builds walls of and love makes the dome.

Let’s built the castle of our happiness in our souls!

                                                                                  Institute of Culture and Arts


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