Meeting regarding the training of doctors of philosophy
A meeting of guarantors of educational and scientific programs of PhD and teachers who are involved in the training of Doctors of Philosophy took place.
On September 8, the meeting of the guarantors of educational and scientific programs of PhD and teachers who are involved in the training of Doctors of Philosophy took place in the reading room of the scientific library of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University. Researchers also had the opportunity to join the meeting through the ZOOM platform.
Given the new requirements for the quality of education at the third level of higher education, the meeting was devoted to the issue of adjusting the educational and scientific programs of PhD and curricula.
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work L. Vakhovsky congratulated the teachers on the beginning of the school year and called for the organization and implementation of quality training for future doctors of philosophy.
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Deputy Head of GER of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education 23 “Social Work” O. Karaman commented on the criteria for evaluating the quality of educational and scientific program PhD, which are primarily considered by experts in accreditation. Olena Leonidivna also stressed that the educational and scientific program PhD should contain four components, namely, in-depth knowledge of the specialty, general scientific (philosophical) competencies, universal skills of the researcher, language competencies.
During the discussion of proposals and comments, the list of compulsory educational components of the general training cycle was agreed, the term of development of compulsory educational components of the vocational training cycle and syllabi of elective disciplines was determined.
Department of Graduate Studies