Social and Humanitarian Work of IPP
The important part of socio-humanitarian work at the Institute is student’s involvment to the activity of self-government.
This year the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology has enrolled 9 groups in all specialities which have being studied in stationary mode since September 1.
Now there are student directorate, student dormitory board, volunteer team “Tryzub” and department for work with the student-migrants.
The directors have held meetings with the first-year students and parents, chosen group monitors and appointed academic supervisors. Also there are outreach activities in the social networking websites “VKontakte” and “Odnoklassniki” on subjects “Support your Institute”, “Unite”, “Distance learning features”, “What is a tutor and what responsibilities does he have?”, “Admission Campaign”, “Student life before ATO” and so on.
To help the first-year students adapt to the educational process we have taken part in the celebrations of Knowledge Day, told students about history and traditions of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, given a lecture about famous scientists of LNU, organized a meeting with the representatives of “Oschadbank”, workers of Culture and Leisure Center of LNU, chairman of student labor union organization.
To organize vocational guidance work there are web-pages “Applicant 2016” and “Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of LNU”. The Department of Psychology has organized work to provide psychological support and adaptation for the first-year students to education under temporary occupation and remote access. IPP page in VKontakte always have information on social protection of students in Ukraine and at the university.
The Department of Pedagogy has taken part in the developing Educative program of national and patriotic education of student youth of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University; responsibilities of deputy directors, deans for socio-humanitarian work under the conditions of temporary occupation and remote access; regulations of socio-humanitarian work under remote access.
The Institute teachers have changed and added lections and tasks for the seminars to heighten national, patriotic and moral education.
The promising directions of socio-humanitarian work at IPP in 2015 – 2016 academic year are:
- Organizing and conducting Internet conferences by Directorate with the heads of departments, group monitors and students who are at the temporarily occupied territory;
- Creation of “Bank of Advices” for the students to provide information about the schedule of the educational process (taking tests, exams, internships, etc.);
- Preparation of student project “My Wonderful Ukraine”;
- Conducting a round table “Devoting for the Sake of Peace” with inviting ATO soldiers;
- Enforcement of plan of socio-humanitarian activity of the university and Institute, Educative program of national and patriotic education of student youth of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University.
So, the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology was, is and will be one of the most powerful divisions at the university and educational space of Ukraine because it has very strong traditions, continuity of generations and team spirit. It educates unique personality – highly-educated, creative, initiative, dedicated to the university and country.
Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology