Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

The First-Year Students of IPP Visited the Local History Museum

On September 9 the first-year students of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology visited Starobilsk Local History Museum.

Starobilsk Local History Museum is the biggest department of Luhansk Regional Local History Museum in Starobilsk of Luhansk region; center of cultural and educational activity, cultural establishment of city and district.

Under the direction of the guide the students visited all museum exhibitions – historical, ethnographic and faunal.

Historical exhibition impressed the visitors with the items of ancient times, times of development of Starobilsk district (late XIX – early XXI centuries), revolutionary events of 1905-1907, Sviatoskorbiashchenskyi nunnery, parochial schools opening, building and activity of Demenka trade school, Oleksandrovska and Yekateryninska gymnasiums and so on.

The information about the events on Starobilshchyna in the interwar period of 1918-1941, war period of 1941-1945 and postwar period of 1946-1991, etc was interesting for the students as well.

However, the greatest attention was focused on the exhibition “On the Firing Line: a Step from the Victim to the Winner” which reflected the events of modern war in Eastern Ukraine. Pictures of dyed heroes of Starobilshchyna, events from the line, Ukrainian flag with soldier’s signatures nad arms made young people think about the fate of Ukraine and their agemates.

Ethnographic exhibition included household items of the village of Shulhinka of XVIII century. Faunal exhibition displayed hunting fauna peculiar to Starobilsk steppes. It is interesting fact that a part of presented species has already disappeared in the region (for example, brown bear and saiga tatarica).

The student took a picture in front of all museum exhibitions.

Visiting all historical places of Starobilshchyna is included to the plan of socio-humanitarian activity of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology.

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology
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