Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Volleyball Competition

Volleyball competitions with the participation of LNU students were held on September 11 in the village of Chmyrivka, Starobilsk district.

Every year Chmyrovka school-gymnasium conducts something like Olympic Games with a lot of relay races, competitions and sport games. This year it was focused on patriotic education of the youth. This is why the competitions were named “Kozatski Rozvahy”.

The children were delighted with the competitions included elements of team-building and a quest. According to them it was something unique and entertaining.

It is worth noting that this year the representatives of public organization “Ukrainian Association of Participants in Military Actions and Volunteers of ATO of Starobilsk District” were among the guests of the competitions. They made presents to Chmyrivka school-gymnasium and its pupils and after competitions stood everybody tasty kulesh.

9, 10 and 11-grade pupils and the combined team of LNU consisted of the first and second year students of “Physical Education” took part in the volleyball competitions.

The game was very tense and kept the intrigue until the end. LNU team got a victory in the last, third additional party with a mall difference in scores.

The pupils and competition organizers are very satisfied with the game and invites the university students come again for their events.

Oleh Anisimov,
Press-Centre of LNU

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