The scientific journal is included in the category “B”
The scientific journal “Economic Bulletin of Donbas” is included in the category “B” of scientific periodicals of Ukraine.
On May 14, a remarkable and indicative event took place, to which the teachers of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University made significant efforts to provide it with organizational, methodological, personnel, scientific and financial support. The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, by its order No. 627, classified the scientific journal “Economic Bulletin of Donbas” into the category “B” of scientific periodicals of Ukraine.
The “Economic Bulletin of Donbasˮ is one of the most famous and authoritative scientific publications of economic profile in the recent history of Ukraine. It was founded in 2004 by the Institute of Industrial Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University.
The foundation and activity of such a publication is, without exaggeration, a landmark in the development of the trend of modern world science, which the founders of the journal not only foresaw and comprehend, but also constantly introduce: an organic synthesis of academic and university science with economic practice in the development of holistic research centers.
The “Economic Bulletin of Donbasˮ operates in the context of the activities of the Branch of the Institute of Industrial Economics of the NAS of Ukraine, which operates on the basis of the Department of Economics, Marketing and Entrepreneurship of LTSNU (three members of the department are also members of the editorial board of the journal, including its managing composition; associate professor Natalia Chebotareva for eleven years is the executive secretary of the editorial board).
Over the past years, the “Economic Bulletin of Donbas” has significantly improved its position in the national ratings of scientific publications with the processing of strategies and tactics for integration into the global scientific space. This was confirmed by the receipt of Index Copernicus and several other well-known international indices several years ago.
Therefore, economists and scientists of LTSNU got the opportunity to bring their scientific research to a whole new level.
According to the information of the ER IEB