Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Educational process in quarantine conditions

The College of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University continues the educational process in remote mode.

Despite the quarantine, the directorate works constantly according to the approved schedule. Weekly, the dean’s office of the college draws up a class schedule for students and teachers. Curators constantly keep feedback with their students and their parents.

Teachers of the College of LTSNU widely use Internet resources that are popular and effective in the educational space of Ukraine in their work with educational applicants.

For lectures, practical, seminars, and laboratory exercises, audio and video communications are used through the Internet resources of Skype, Viber, the Zoom platform, and the classroom.google service.

While checking homework and conducting tests, teachers and students use gmail.com and ukr.net, the service classroom.google, educational sites NAUROK.ua, Vososvita, Viber. Works are submitted in the format of tests, video records of completed practical work, projects, creative photo reports, drawings.

All the students of the College continue distance learning. Sometimes there are difficulties associated with the periodically low quality of the Internet. In this case, teachers and students interact very clearly over the phone.

According to the College of LTSNU

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