Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

IX Student Algebra Olympiad

A traditional IX Student Algebra Olympiad, dedicated to the memory of Professor Vitalii Usenko, was held at the Institute of Physics, Mathematics and Information Technologies.

On April 13, the Educational and Research Institute of Physics, Mathematics and Information Technology, with the help of the popular online communication service Zoom, held the traditional IX Student Algebra Olympiad, dedicated to the memory of the outstanding Ukrainian algebraist, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor Vitalii M. Usenko. The scientist worked at our university from 2001 to 2006 and during this period made a significant contribution to the development of algebra in the Luhansk region and Ukraine. On the initiative of Professor Vitalii Usenko and with the support of the university leadership, the world-famous mathematical journal Algebra and Discrete Mathematics was organized in 2002, which has been included in the international scientometric database Scopus since 2012, and since 2016 in the database Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science).

At the beginning of the event, the head of the Department of Algebra and System Analysis, Professor Anatolii Zhuchok addressed the students with a welcoming speech, who briefly spoke about the state of modern algebra in science and the main directions of its development. The chairman of the jury, professor Yurii Zhuchok, introduced organizational issues and the conditions of students’ tasks.

Usually, the algebra competition is held for students of mathematical specialties and runs in one round. The tasks were of a general algebraic nature and related to such classical branches of mathematics as number theory, linear algebra and general algebra. As a warm-up, a task was recently proposed that was recently presented by world-famous algebraist Boris Shine. Note that until recently, Boris Moiseevich Shine worked as a professor at the Department of Mathematics at the University of Arkansas (USA). The scientist is a member of the editorial boards of several international mathematical journals. In particular, Boris Schein is one of the founders of the world-famous Semigroup Forum magazine, which publishes scientific articles on semigroup theory and applications of semigroup theory to other disciplines. It is the theory of semigroups that the teachers of the Department of Algebra and System Analysis are involved in.

The winners of the Olympiad were fourth-year students majoring in “Secondary Education (Mathematics. Computer Science)” Anna Krivushina and Yulia Liguta, who shared the first place. The second and third year students majoring in “Secondary Education (Mathematics)” Andrii Zaitsev and Mykhailo Lysko took II and III places respectively.

Congratulations to the winners and wish all the participants further success!

Department of Algebra and System Analysis

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