Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

The results of the illustration competition

March 10, the winners of the competition of illustrations for the works of Taras Shevchenko were determined.

The competition was devoted to the 206th anniversary of the poet’s birth and the 160th anniversary of the appearance of Kobzar and was held as part of the traditional events of the Shevchenko week, which are annually held at Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University. 

29 creative works were submitted to participate in the competition. Among the authors were students of the College of LTSNU, Lysychansk Pedagogical College, Rubizhne College, Starobilsk Humanitarian and Pedagogical College. This year, teachers of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and the Educational and Research Institute of History, International Relations and Socio-Political Sciences also became participants in the competition.

Participants traditionally turned to the most famous poems of Taras Shevchenko (“Kateryna”, “Ivan Pidkova” and others), depicted the images of the iconic characters of Taras Shevchenko, embodied the colors of poetry from his works.

Determining the winners, the jury took into account the originality of the interpretation of the literary work, skill, technique and perfection of performance. The illustrators demonstrated creativity in the artistic performance of the work and skillful mastery of various drawing techniques: oil, acrylic paints, gouache, watercolor, pencil, pen, etc. Among the works of this year, cosplay was presented on the famous painting by K. Trutovsky “Taras Shevchenko with a kobza over the Dnieper”.

The first place was awarded to Ernest Nikolaichuk, a second-year student of the Rubizhne O.Ye. Porai-Koshytsia Polytechnic College. 

The second place was shared by Nick Rybalko, a first-year student of the Lysychansk Pedagogical College, Kateryna Kotelenets, a teacher of the Institute of History, International Relations and Socio-Political Sciences, and Oksana Shabas, a teacher of the Faculty of Foreign Languages.

III place was shared by Valeria Sergienko, a first-year student of the Lysychansk Pedagogical College, Liana Aramian, a first-year student of the Rubizhne O.Ye. Porai-Koshytsia Polytechnic College, and Daria Drot, a second-year student of the Lysychansk Pedagogical College. 

Among other works in the nomination “For the originality of the technique for performing the illustration” were awarded Anastasia Tkachenko, a first-year student of the Lysychansk Pedagogical College, Diana Smirnova, a third-year student of the Lysychansk Pedagogical College, and Kyrylo Rybalko, first-year student of the Lysychansk Pedagogical College. 

Also, Milana Kugikina and Olena Holod, second-year students of Lysychansk Pedagogical College were awarded for their active participation in the illustration competition.

Awarding of university diplomas to the winners of the illustration competition will take place on March 12, 2020 during the university-wide event “Shevchenko’s Ukraine”.

Congratulations to the winners of the competition! We wish you further creative success!

According to the FUPSC

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