Career guidance in Poltava
The faculty of foreign languages has started active career guidance in Poltava and Poltava region.
On March 5 there was organized a visit to schools in Poltava region by representatives of the faculty of foreign languages and lecturers of the design department in order to conduct career-oriented work among pupils of 10-11 forms.
The dean of the faculty of foreign languages Svitlana Shekhavtsova and the honorary professor of the faculty Svitlana Shpetna had met with the management and students of the following schools: Zinkiv Mykola Zerov Liceum, Supporting Institution «Zinkiv Specialized School I-III degrees № 1 of Zinkiv District Council of Poltava Region», Opishna Specialized School of I-III degrees, State Specialized boarding school of I-III degrees. College of Arts in Opisnya, Dykanka Secondary School I-III degrees of the Dykanka District Council of Poltava region, Dykanka Secondary School I-III degrees № 2.
In the course of career guidance work, pupils learned about the opportunity to graduate in the following specialties: English, German, French, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Turkish and study by state order. The lectures of the design department Iryna Koval and Oksana Getman had talked about the features and specifics of the specialty «Hair Design and the Art of Makeup». The lectures had talked in details about the organization of scientific activity, the educational process, living and leisure time conditions at Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University.
The pupils were professionally informed about the areas of training and the specialties in which training is carried out at the Faculty of Foreign Languages and the Department of Design, which are located in Poltava, the pupils and teachers were familiarized with the rules for admission to Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University and the features of the introductory campaign in 2020.