Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Internships for educators in Finland

The Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Shekhavtsova Svetlana Alexandrovna and the Head of the Department of Romance-German Philology, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Bindas Olena Nikolaevna have been participating in the internship for educators in Finland (West Finnish College, Guittinen City) since February 31, 2020.

Undertaking a scientific internship to master the project approach in organizing the learning process in Finnish educational institutions, combined with intensive English language studies at West Finnish College in an international multicultural environment using active communication techniques and cultural knowledge in Finland.

West Finland College is one of the oldest universities in Finland founded in 1890. today it is the largest center in the country for learning English as a foreign language. The mission of West Finland College is to support students in achieving their personal, cultural and educational goals in accordance with the principles of continuous education and internationalization of education. The campus is located on the environs of Guittinen town, near the Loima River, 180 km from Helsinki.

As a result of the training, the College of West Finland has issued a certificate stating that the participants have completed an internship: 120 hours of classroom work and independent work. During the project, the participants will attend a number of educational activities, such as a meeting with a representative of the education department at the city hall of Guittinen, a visit to kindergarten, primary school, gymnasium, a visit to the University of Finland.

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