Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

Dear students, teachers, employees, graduates, postgraduate students and doctoral students of our famous University! We sincerely congratulate you on the upcoming New Year holidays.

2019 gave us many happy moments and reasons for joy, brought a huge amount of scientific achievements and glorified our university in many directions. Scientific conferences, creative exhibitions, sports achievements – all these are your achievements that glorify our Alma Mater and inspire new achievements.

We are grateful to you for your understanding, support, trust, invaluable contribution to the development of the University, painstaking work, for fully dedicating yourself to your native work and extolling the glory of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University across the country.

We wish you Happy New Year and Merry Christmas and wish you not to stop there, improve your knowledge and skills and share them with others.

Let the New Year of the Rat give you a sea of ​​happiness, warmth, inspiration and an inexhaustible flow of energy to achieve your cherished goals! Let it be filled with bright colors, pleasant impressions and joyful events. We wish each of you more unpredictable miracles, magical stories, fun moments, love, kindness, light and peace! Let your thirst for new achievements and sincere joy from life overwhelm you.

Leave all the problems behind and decisively enter the New Year 2020!

Sincerely, Chairman of the Academic Council Vitalii Kurylo
and Rector of LTSNU Serhii Savchenko

© Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University, 2007-2024