Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка


On a bright day, the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which has always been considered the patroness of our people, Ukrainians celebrate Ukrainian Cossacks Day and Defender of Ukraine Day.

Congratulations to servicemen, teachers, staff and students on this bright holiday, which symbolizes the connection of generations and a long historical tradition, embodies the courage, valor, heroism of all generations of Ukrainian defenders!

The Ukrainian Cossacks have always been and remain a symbol of courage and indestructibility, because the bravest men joined its ranks. And now, in difficult times for our state, the Cossack idea has received a new powerful impetus for development, has found numerous supporters. Our friendly Shevchenko’s family protects and worthily continues the traditions of our ancestors. And on the eve of this bright holiday, the Cossack initiation ceremony took place once again. We believe that the Cossacks will continue to be at the forefront of the constructive forces that take responsibility for the fate of the country and contribute to strengthening civil peace and harmony.

Today is a holiday of courageous defenders and liberators of our native land, for which the concepts of honor, dignity, strength, endurance and responsibility are not just words.

In recent years, our defenders have shown profound patriotism, steadfastness, endurance and responsibility, are doing everything possible to protect our citizens, upholding the territorial integrity of our state. We are sure that thanks to all of you, our dear military personnel, peace will soon be in our native land and we will return to Luhansk city!

We bow our heads to the memory of those who gave their lives in the struggle for the independence and sovereignty of our state. Eternal memory and glory to the fallen heroes!

We congratulate everyone on the holiday and wish them a peaceful sky and family well-being, success in all your undertakings and endeavors, implementation of plans and fulfillment of your tasks, strong and reliable rear! Let truth and victory be with us for the sake of a happy future and the prosperity of our native Ukraine!

Sincerely, Chairman of the Academic Council Vitalii Kurylo
and Rector of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University Serhii Savchenko

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