Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Participation in the Festival

Oksana Andrieieva, a first-year student majoring in Musical Art, took part in the Festival “Krolevets Rushniks”.

The International Literary and Art Festival “Krolevets Rushniks” is a cultural and art project aimed at developing and popularizing folk art, which has been held annually since 1995 in the city of Krolevets, Sumy Region, in the homeland of the world-famous Krolevets rushniks.

In addition to the traditional competition of arts and crafts within the framework of the Festival, there is a competition “Melodies of Eternity” with the participation of soloists, vocalists, ensembles of Ukraine and other countries. Oksana Andrieieva (her teacher is A. Khristichenko) won the second prize in the nomination “Academic Singing”. The diploma was also awarded to the accompanist of the Department of Musical Art and Choreography K. D. Skakun. 
We congratulate Oksana Andrieieva on her victory and wish her strength and creative achievements in her further training and performing activities.

According to the ER ICA

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