Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Fifth anniversary of moving to Starobilsk city

On July 19, Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University celebrated the fifth anniversary of its moving to Starobilsk city.

Students and teachers gave the residents of the city a real extravaganza, which began with a demonstration performance by strong men. They showed several exercises with different tools and provided an opportunity for everyone to try one’s strength.

At the same time the competitions for kids of the audience started. Students of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University held an active entertainment program for young children. All the small participants of the competition received gifts that were kindly provided by the People’s Deputy of Ukraine Vitalii Kurylo. After active games, all participants in the competition and residents of the city were invited to try the real Cossack’s Kulesh.

The celebration continued with a gala concert by students and university professors. They performed not only hits of modern music, but also songs about love and a happy future. Driving motifs and fiery dances made the audience sing and dance.

The performance of the graduate of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University, the participant of the festival “Slavianski Bazaar – 2019”, the winner of the “X-factor” Dmytro Babak was a real gem of the celebration. The audience happily accepted the guest and sang songs with Dmytro. And finally, the singer performed one of the most famous songs of Volodymyr Vysotskyi “Кони привередливые” (Fastidious Horses).

And the final stage of the celebration was the performance of the “End of July” rock band known in Starobilsk and Ukraine as a whole. A lively sound and a lot of bright emotions from the first minutes surprised the audience.

We thank everyone who took the time to visit our concert, and we invite everyone to study!


Serhii Teriaev
Press Center of LTSNU

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