Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Daddy Can!

Students majoring in “Social Work” took part in the celebration of “Daddy Can!”.

Six pairs of fathers with their sons and daughters competed for the title of the best, one of which was the master student of the Institute of History, International Relations and Socio-Political Sciences (specialty “Social Work”) Pavlo Ivchenko with his daughter Oleksandra. Brave fathers demonstrated their talents and abilities in cooking, swaddling a baby. Parents of boys dressed their sons, and fathers of girls showed their skills in weaving hairstyles. The air was filled with fun, positive energy, children’s laughter and joy.

After the competitions, Iryna Borovenska and Yulia Malko (2-year students majoring in “Social Work”) organized contests for the fans of the teams and all the guests who wish to attend the holiday! At the end of the holiday, prizes and sweet gifts from the sponsor of the holiday Vitalii Kurylo waited for the children and the contestants.


According to the ER IHIRSPS

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