Updating the scientific and educational literature
Despite the difficult “evacuation” times, the management and staff of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University are looking for opportunities to update the scientific and educational literature on specialized courses.
Effective organization of the educational process in higher education is impossible without the constant updating of scientific and educational literature. In this context, an important step was the acquisition for the needs of teachers and students studying courses related to national history, a set of textbooks that deal with various aspects of this issue, taking into account the new achievements of Ukrainian historiography. Among such publications, in particular, there is a fundamental collection of documentary materials “The History of Ukraine from Ancient Times to Modernity” (Chief Editor is A.P. Kotsura, N.V. Teresa – Kyiv-Chernivtsi: Books – XXI, 2008), which consists 904 documents on the history of Ukraine from antiquity to modern times.
Another important tool is the Historical Atlas of Ukraine, which contains unique maps of the historical and geographical development of Ukrainian lands from ancient times to today. The materials presented in the publication allow to consider the various historical processes in which our country has been involved in territorial dynamics.
First of all, scientific publications are important in organizing practical classes in the core courses for the Department of History of Ukraine: “History of Ukraine” and “History of Ukraine and Ukrainian Culture”. The quantity of textbooks is sufficient for all the students studying relevant courses.
The management of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University intends to contribute to the gradual updating of the base of scientific and educational literature on various relevant training courses in the future.
According to the ER IHIRSPS