Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

“Olympic Corner”

The “Olympic Corner” was opened under the name “Olympic Education: from the Beginning to the Future” in the city of Kreminna.  

In the Kreminna Central Regional Library, within the framework of the action “All-Ukrainian Network of Olympic Education Schools”, the opening of the “Olympic Corner” took place under the name “Olympic Education: from the Beginning to the Future”. The event was held at the initiative of the Luhansk regional branch of the Olympic Academy of Ukraine with the support of the LOO NOC in the Luhansk region.

Thanking to the action, the main goal of which is to promote the Olympic movement and a healthy lifestyle, the library received as a gift a collection of unique books and posters of Olympic subjects, which will be replenished periodically.

Those present honored the memory of the head of the LOO Olympic Academy of Ukraine, the head of the Sports Disciplines Department Serhii Galii with a minute of silence.  

The participants of the event were greeted by the chairman of the office of the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine in the Luhansk region Viktor Ostretsov, the deputy chairman of the LOO NOC – Andrii Gorzhedrianov and others.

Addressing the audience, Viktor Vasyliovych is convinced that the opening of a thematic exhibition of books in the library is an extraordinary event for the district center. After all, nowhere else in the Luhansk region there are so many publications devoted to physical education, sports, the development of a healthy lifestyle and the history of the Olympic movement.

The event was attended by students and teachers of the Educational and Research Institute of Physical Education and Sports of LTSNU, who had the opportunity to talk with famous Luhansk athletes, such as three-time Olympic champion in athletics Olga Bryzgina, bronze medalist of the Olympic Games in cycling Iryna Yanovych.

The guests spoke about the development of the Olympic movement in the Luhansk region, about their sporting achievements and answered questions of future Olympians.

The Deputy Director for Social and Humanitarian Work Oleksandr Brusak thanked the organizers for the fruitful cooperation in the field of Olympic education.

The “Olympic Corner” is permanent. Therefore, we invite everyone to visit the library and enrich their knowledge of the history and modernity of the Olympic Games.

All participants received a charge of cheerfulness and positive from the event.


According to the ER IPES

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