Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Participation in the open conference

On December 18, representatives of our University took part in the open conference with secondary school graduates in 2019.

The conference with school graduates in 2019 was held with the support of the Donetsk Regional Center for the Evaluation of the Quality of Education on the basis of the Starobilsk District House of Culture named after Taras Shevchenko. The conference was actively attended by the admission committee and representatives of the structural subdivisions of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University. 

In order to familiarize future applicants with the features of the external evaluation, in 2019 Viktoria Yaremenko, a methodologist at the DRCEQE, focused on the current changes in the external evaluation system. The focus was on the determination of threshold points for each subject, features of registration and certain changes in the delivery of the external evaluation in a foreign language.

A separate topic for discussion was a trial assessment, because it provides an opportunity to test their strength, learn about all the stages of assessment, and this is also a good stage of preparation for the main session. The methodologist stressed the need for compulsory familiarization with the conditions of admission to the universities and provided graduates with advice on how to prepare for an independent evaluation: select the necessary subjects, carefully prepare, train and test knowledge using free online resources.

Kateryna Izhchik, a member of the examination commission of past years, a teacher at Starobilsk Specialized Secondary School of I-III Grades No. 3, drew attention to typical mistakes made by school graduates, including shortcomings in the design of work and filling out forms of answers. She emphasized the requirements for the content, composition and design of the statement.

The executive secretary of the admission committee of LTSNU Yaroslava Yurkiv informed about the features of the admission campaign – 2019 and answered the questions of the school graduates.

Such events are an important component of the successful completion of the external independent evaluation and further education in higher education institutions.

Serhii Teriaev,
Press Center of LTSNU

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