Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Children’s Day

Students of the ER IHIRSPS took part in the celebration of the Children’s Day event.

The event dedicated to children, including children with special needs, was held at the Department of Social Rehabilitation of Disabled Children and Children at Risk of the Starobilsk Territorial Center for Social Services”.

The World Children’s Day holiday began in the middle of the last century, namely in 1954, when the General Assembly of the United Nations approved its resolution No. 836 (IX), recommending to all countries to celebrate this day, starting in 1956. The purpose of the celebration of World Children’s Day is to draw the attention of the public, organizations and government agencies to issues aimed at the practical implementation of measures to ensure the well-being of children around the world.

Students majoring in “Social Work” could not help but take part in organizing a holiday for children, because working with children, especially with children with special needs, is an essential component of social work.

The event consisted of two parts: art therapy and competitions with festive heroes, which were Andrii Gorostovych in the role of Pikachu and Viktoria Zinchenko, who played the role of a magic fairy, who helped the children bring the Pokémon home.

The holiday was fun, children’s laughter and applause were heard, the children did not want to say goodbye to the cartoon characters. The holiday contributed to the development of friendly relations and mutual understanding!


According to ER IHIRSPS

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