Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

The Victory Day at LNU

Wreath of poppies, balloons with cranes and badges with a new symbol of the Victory were made at LTSNU.

The university was conducting preparations for the great holiday for about a month. Thus, within a competition “Мак – квітка пам’яті та поваги” (“Poppy is a Flower of Memory and Respect”) students made more than 150 poppies of paper on their own. Then a wreath made of this paper flowers was solemnly laid at the monuments on the Walk of Fame of Starobilsk Faculty of LNU. At the university it was explained that colors had special meanings: “red – the color of blood, black – the color of the earth, and green – the color of the renewal of life.”

In addition, LNU made badges. All present at the concert were with a new symbol of the Victory – poppies with yellow and blue ribbon. This event was the final preparation for the holiday.

“We held a ceremony yesterday, on May 7. Because it is the Day of Mourning today, tomorrow there will be a city holiday, and we would like on behalf of the administration, lecturers, university staff and students to congratulate all veterans on the Great Victory. I think we did it, the holiday really was a success,” – told the Acting Rector Serhii Savchenko.

There were congratulations to veterans, wartime songs and poems at the concert. The atmosphere was solemn but sad at the same time. “Everyone who was standing beside me was crying. Today we understand songs known from the past years of war in a new light, they cause heartache. It turned out that we have become a generation of war” – one of the viewers shared her impressions.

A song “Журавли” (“Cranes”) was the final chord. During the performance 70 balloons with white cranes on them were released to the sky. These balloons had the names of loved-ones who had given their lives for the sake of the future.

Press-Center of LNU (the City of Starobilsk)

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