Entrance examinations in the ER IPES
Entrance examinations took place in the Educational and Research Institute of Physical Education and Sports.
In total, more than 100 applications for full-time and part-time forms of education with a standard term of study for 2 courses and with a reduced term on the basis of a junior specialist for 3 courses are registered: “Physical Culture and Sports. Sports”, Secondary Education. Physical Education”, “Secondary Education. Human Health” and “Physical Therapy, Ergotherapy.”
Now entrance examinations and entrance tests on a foreign language on the educational degree “Master” on specialties “Physical Education and Sports. Sports”, “Secondary Education. Physical Education”, “Physical Therapy, Ergotherapy” and “Fitness and Recreation”. In total more than 200 applications are registered.
Specialists in physical culture and sports, coaches in various sports, teachers of general schools, lyceums, colleges and administrative workers are involved in the tests.
We wish everyone to join the ranks of students of our University!
According to the information of the ER IPES