The broadcast of the online radio “University Wave” was replenished with a new radio program called “Zhyvoglyad”.
“University Wave” is a radio station that is dynamically developing. Its advantage is that it is an Internet radio, and you can listen to it anywhere, the main condition is access to the Internet. In the radio, you can listen to not only popular music. Sure, listeners can enjoy programs, such as: “Interview”, “World of professions”, “Life of the stars”, etc.
This week for the first time a new program “Zhyvoglyad” was launched on the air, the initiator of which was the teaching staff of Lysychansk Pedagogical College of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University. Listening to it, you can learn about the Ukrainian scientists, who are the pride of our state, changes in the labor legislation of Ukraine and many other things – actual and interesting. Iryna Bakhmet, editor-in-chief of the “University Wave”, says: “We are becoming stronger, we are growing! I am very grateful to all our listeners for their trust and attention. I also hope that other structural subdivisions of our University will join us, because it’s interesting with us!”.
Today, the main tasks for journalists of the “University Wave” are the software and music content of the radio. In addition to constant broadcasts on the air, information is heard for applicants, among which are the sections “We invite you to study” and “It is useful to know”. And also you can find out about the educational center of our university “Donbas-Ukraine”, which provides an opportunity to enter a simplified procedure for graduates of 2018 and previous years, whose place of residence is temporarily uncontrolled territory by the Ukrainian authorities and settlements of Luhansk and Donetsk regions that are on the demarcation line.
So, listen to good music and be the first to find out a variety and up-to-date information on the online radio “University Wave”!
Olena Smytanina,
Press Center of LTSNU